Bug in survival game

Chapter 161 Children Chapter Happy 3

Chapter 161 Happy Children's Day 3
With dozens of seconds left, Su Tingyu threw the remaining four or five dolls out of the ranch.

When I ran back to the gate of the ranch, the countdown had just reset to zero.

[Attention all 'Happy Children's Day' players, the preparation time is over, and this round of dungeons has officially started——]


[The 1th round of hunter players: 1~100 doll brooch numbers]

[The hunting score list is open, and the top 100 players will be displayed in real time. After the dungeon is over, the players on the list will get extra rewards. The higher the ranking, the richer the rewards]

[The first round of hunting point system: 1 doll body, 10 points]

When the panel announcement appeared, Su Tingyu glowed.

That's right, the whole body glows, and then slowly becomes transparent.

At this time, the cock's "cluck" and the sheep's "baaa" suddenly sounded in the originally dead ranch... and in the kennel next to the gate of the ranch, there appeared a few big black dogs on chains, who were "barking". "Call.

In the pasture, there was also a series of crisp and cheerful children's voices.

Not just pastures, streets, shops... The entire Childhood Amusement City has a lively crowd of people and endless laughter without knowing it.

Su Tingyu watched his body become more and more transparent, and finally turned into nothingness.

In the next second, Su Tingyu's consciousness floated into his doll body.

Su Tingyu tried to move the doll's arm, and under the control of consciousness, the dead doll raised a hand little by little.


Surprised, Su Tingyu kicked his feet and twisted his body, slowly getting familiar with the doll's body.

After getting acquainted with it, Su Tingyu stopped.

In the stinking pigsty, she could still hear the grunting of the fat white pig from time to time. At this time, the benefits of being a doll were reflected.

Without the sense of smell, there is no smell.

Su Tingyu opened the panel. On the top was the countdown to the first round of hunting. Less than 1 minutes had passed. At the bottom was the empty hunting list with no players on the list.


The hunting list has been updated.

No.1: Invincible is too lonely, 30 points
No.2: Demon Hunter, 20 points


Su Tingyu was stunned.

How did these two players do it?
Only 3 minutes into the game, one got three kills and the other got two kills.

"These two game nicknames seem to have been seen in the top ten of the level list... now they can be in the top ten of the level list, and they are either lv5 or lv6 high players."

Unknowingly, the third month of the game's closed beta has passed, and the level of the top group of players has also increased, and now lv6 is the highest level on the level list.

Time passed bit by bit, and many new players were added to the hunting list. No.1 was still the invincible and lonely player with 270 points, followed by No.2, the demon hunter Player, 230 points.

These two players really did not get the wrong game nickname.

As for the players below, there are only a few tens of points, rarely more than a hundred.

It's only the first round now, and many capable players can only hide in their dolls aggrievedly, enviously hunting down players with points on the leaderboard.

Su Tingyu remembered his auspicious number - 4444
If only 100 players are hunters in each round, it will not be her turn to be a hunter until round 45.

Hmm... until then, let's hang on.

As for the first round mentioned on the panel, if I understand correctly, 1 players take turns being hunters in ten days, and they can complete four rounds, and now it is the first round.

Hunting is just the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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