Bug in survival game

Chapter 162 Children Chapter Happy 4

Chapter 162 Happy Children's Day 4
In a kindergarten locker room, a male player cornered two moving and running dinosaur dolls.

Among them, the green dinosaur doll made a begging male voice: "Brother Li, let us go for a while, I am an lv4 player, in reality my father is an official, I can join the 'hunting', we are ourselves people!"

"Oh? The second generation of the official?" The male player glanced at the pink dinosaur behind the green dinosaur and smiled playfully: "What? The young couple enter the dungeon together?"

"Yes, yes, Boss Li, my girlfriend's third batch of players doesn't have much game coins, she can't fail this round of dungeons..." Seeing that the male player's attitude seemed to have changed, the green dinosaur spoke quickly Say.

"The feeling is lovely..." the male player sighed. Suddenly, a plastic toy gun appeared in his hand. After pulling the trigger, the gun spewed out scorching flames towards the two dinosaur dolls.

"Ah..." the pink dinosaur yelled in horror when he saw that he was burned.


Hearing the wonderful sound of panic in his ears, the corner of the male player's mouth curled into a sinister arc.

"Li Ge! Wait for me! In reality, I won't let you go!!"

Li Ge admired the green dinosaur's exasperated threat and abuse, and the expression on his face became more joyful.

[Player 'Devil Hunter' destroys two dolls, points +20]

[Player 'Scholar Sleeping Fox Demon' doll's body damage is higher than 85%, and the body will recover after five seconds. This round of dungeon clearance failed]

[Player 'Fox Yao Mengmeng' doll body damage is higher than 85%, and the body will be restored after five seconds, and the round of dungeon clearance failed]

After the panel of the three people popped up, two thin blades appeared on Li Ge's fingertips. He waited for five seconds on the spot, and when the main body of the couple players appeared, the blades flew out suddenly, piercing the two players instantly. of the carotid arteries.

After the bleeding continued, the bodies of the two players twitched for a while, and finally they all lost their breath.


Li Ge smiled contemptuously at the two corpses.

On the ground next to the corpse, a total of five game items fell out, Li Ge bent down to pick them up, and put them into the inventory.

He looked at the countdown on the eye panel, and there were 2 minutes left... to try his luck again, to see if he could find one more prey.

After Li Ge left, the lights in the locker room flickered a few times, flickering, the bloody two disappeared without a trace, even the blood on the ground seemed to be wiped off with a rag.

After the lights were restored, the dressing room was as clean and spotless as ever.


[Dungeon time: 22:35]

Su Tingyu turned over, and when he saw that the dungeon time on the panel was approaching forty minutes, he was shocked.

It is now the 44th round, and in 5 minutes, it will be her hunting time.

In the past [-] hours or so, the hunter players also came to search the ranch several times, but the pig shed was too smelly, and many hunter players either left with a quick glance, or took a detour away from the pig shed.

Su Tingyu stayed silently in the pig shed while keeping an eye on the hunting list.

【Hunting list】

No.1: National Warriors, 320 points
No.2: Invincible is too lonely, 310 points
No.3: 270 today, [-] points
No.4: Update tomorrow, 270 points
No.5: Demon Hunter, 260

40th place: Just bubbling, [-] points

Su Tingyu looked at the hunting list for several times, but did not see Qin Qi and Fatty on the list. It may be because the number is low and it is not yet the turn to become a hunter player, or it may be that the number of destroyed dolls is too small to be on the list. .

5 minute later.

[The 44th round of hunting ends, and the 45th round of hunting begins]


[The 45th round of hunter players: 4401~4500 doll brooch numbers]

 Give a reward and add more, okay~

(End of this chapter)

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