Bug in survival game

Chapter 163 Children Chapter Happy 5

Chapter 163 Happy Children's Day 5
The entrance of the children's ranch.

Su Tingyu's body reappeared at the place where the original fusion disappeared.

At the door at this time, many children ran in and out happily.

And these child NPCs seemed completely invisible to Su Tingyu's sudden appearance.

At this time, a child ran towards Su Tingyu, who dodged in time, but the child fell to the ground, smiled, stood up indifferently, and continued to chase and fight with his children.

Su Tingyu looked at the child who was running away in a strange way, then turned around and left the place.

Walking on the street, Su Tingyu experienced what it means to be "outstanding from the crowd", because all the people coming and going were short children with innocent and beautiful smiles on their faces.

The strange thing is that I didn't see an adult NPC on the street. Only in various shops, there are adult NPCs. They act as staff inside, maintain a formulaic smile at all times, and provide various services for children. Meet all kinds of reasonable or unreasonable demands of children.

Here, it is indeed a paradise for children.

Su Tingyu started from store to store, looking for doll bodies with brooches on them.

The current dungeon time shows that it is past 22 o'clock in the evening, but the whole Childhood Amusement City is like a tireless paradise where the sun never sets. The sun is high, the breeze is blowing, and there is no sign of darkness.

However, this is also conducive to Su Tingyu's search.

Su Tingyu found some doll bodies in several deserted corners one after another.

When they first met, those dolls still wanted to escape, and some even used weird props, and when they couldn't escape, they begged for mercy.

"Miss sister, let me go, I don't have any game coins, I have to punish the dungeon for failing to clear the dungeon this round..."

"You let me go, I will send you money in reality, any amount of money is fine..."

"I really don't have game currency anymore, and I have used the Resurrection Armor of the punishment dungeon, this is my last chance..."

"I have an eighty-year-old mother who has taken care of me, and I have four newborn kittens waiting to be fed. Please let me go..."

"Hey, we're both girls, can you let her live..."


These reasons for begging for mercy are more exaggerated and outrageous than the last, and more tear-jerking than the last.

Su Tingyu expressed sympathy for this, and then mercilessly tore the doll into pieces.

How many players who can come to participate in the event dungeon have no game currency and have the mentality of a gambler to gamble and get rich instantly?

I'm afraid few of them are fools.

Whoever believes these words of begging for mercy is a fool.

Looking at the prompt information on the panel, Su Tingyu squatted down again by the way.

After the player's body comes out, the second suppression.

do it.

The game items that exploded, Su Tingyu quickly put them into the inventory, and went to look for the next prey.

[Dungeon time: 22:50]

With 10 minutes left, Su Tingyu looked at his current points, and he had already climbed up the hunting list, No. 60 fifth, 140 points.

In fact, she only destroyed ten doll bodies, and the other 40 points were points for players who inherited the doll bodies she destroyed.

It was also because of this that Su Tingyu took the rule of inheriting player points seriously, and secretly became vigilant about the two high-level players who showed up in the first round.

After all, the high score record of the latter player may be partly the reason for inheriting other players' points, and those two players have real head count records.

However, the first round of hunting has not yet finished, and most of the players have no points. The way to get a big score quickly can only depend on luck.

In addition, compared to ordinary players, players who can get points in the first dozens of rounds will be more difficult to catch them.

(End of this chapter)

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