Bug in survival game

Chapter 170 Children Chapter Happy 12

Chapter 170 Happy Children's Day 12
This time, Su Tingyu was really excited.

But some people are crying to death...

In a purple different space.

A muscular man was lying on the ground with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, the muscular man opened his eyes as big as copper bells, and sat up all at once!
The muscular man was panting heavily, and unconsciously touched his intact neck with the palm of his right hand.

The panel pops up and the settlement is in progress.

When the muscular man saw the failure of customs clearance, death penalty plus failure penalty, and a lot of game coins and experience points were deducted, he felt so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

When the muscular man went to check what game items were missing——


"Where's my Fire Bath Bead??"

"The quality fossil fluid is gone?? The soul-suppressing golden word talisman is gone??!"


The final quality fossil liquid and soul-suppressing golden words are the game currency that the muscular man saved for a long time in order to upgrade an item, and he exchanged it as soon as he reached lv5.

Because there are still some materials missing, so I haven't upgraded yet, who knows... It's gone!Gone! !gone! ! !
"What's the name of that female player?" The muscular man had a gloomy face, trying to recall Su Tingyu's nickname in the game, but found...Su Tingyu appeared too suddenly. At that time, he was too busy to get close to Su Tingyu. Listen to the fish within two meters.

When Su Tingyu got close to him for a second, although the distance between the two was within two meters, it happened so suddenly that he didn't even have a chance to react, let alone remember to look up the game's nickname.


The muscular man hammered the ground aggrievedly.

Fortunately, he has the game currency to pay this time, otherwise he can only enter the punishment copy.

At this point, the muscular man's panel has been settled, but he still can't leave the purple space.

Because he failed to clear the level, he came out early, and this round of dungeons is still in progress. All players in this dungeon can really leave the game after the dungeon ends.

The player's body in reality will be stored in the purple different space, and the player's consciousness will enter the copy.

The body used by the player in the dungeon is based on the player's body after the defect has been repaired, and the same proportion of the body is copied in all aspects.

Now that he can't go out to the purple different space for the time being, the muscular man can only go to the water forum to pass the time.

In addition to him, there are also some "Happy Children's Day" players who failed to pass the level and were kicked out, and now they are complaining and cursing on the forum one by one.

[A reward of 1000 million cash and [-] game coins is offered. Whoever can kill Li Ge in real life or kill him ten times in the dungeon will receive the bounty! ]
[Tsk tsk, what is Li Ge doing?They have exposed the real information in reality, and they still want to die like this? ]
[If you don’t die, you’re not Li Ge haha]
[shock!I was killed by a weak female player, and then dropped a piece of bread and a bottle of water? ? ]
[+1 (can't hold back laughing.JPG)]
[Depend on!Upstairs put this to show off?They were all killed, so what's there to show off? ]
[I rely on... the children inside are crazy!It just tore my hands apart, it was horrible]
[Damn, it's too scary, I'll be in a hurry with anyone who says children are innocent and cute in the future! ! ]
[I was exploded with the remnants of the Nether Hellfire and a token, and I don’t know which turtle grandson picked it up]
[Damn... Lao Tzu's yellow spring water has been exploded! ! ]
The muscular man found a few players who complained that they were killed by a "soft and weak female player", and asked about the appearance of the female player. After comparing, he found that it was very similar to the female player who killed him.

They are also hunter players in the 45th round.

Immediately afterwards, they were asked if they had seen the game nicknames of female players.

Finally, Kung Fu pays off.

After asking the fifth one, the muscular man knew the female player's game nickname——

Angel Sue.

(End of this chapter)

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