Bug in survival game

Chapter 171 Children Chapter Happy 13

Chapter 171 Happy Children's Day 13
[The 66th round of hunting ends, and the 67th round of hunting begins]


[The 67th round of hunter players: 6601~6700 doll brooch numbers]

As the panel popped up, Su Tingyu yawned, opened one eye, and checked the time.

There are still two hours left, and it is really the second day of the dungeon, because the dungeon started at [-] o'clock yesterday morning.

This round of activity dungeon, there is no water in the time.

Su Tingyu was extremely sleepy. He was in a situation where he might be hunted and killed at any time, and there was no one guarding him. He definitely didn't dare to really sleep to death. At most, he would take a light sleep for a while.

However, Su Tingyu also paid attention to the changes in the hunting list several times, but still did not find Qin Qi or Fatty on the list.

"Many players dare not sleep for more than ten hours, right? Those players who are hunters still have the energy to search for their prey?" Su Tingyu suddenly had such a doubt in his mind.


A dark basement.

"Bang!" A right hand wearing a white glove pinched a man's head and slammed it hard against the iron wall!

The person who hit the wall immediately spat out blood mixed with saliva, and his chin flowed down his face, looking very disgusting.

Seeing this, the people behind let go of their hands in disgust.

Without support, the person who hit the wall fell limply to the ground, his breathing was weak, and his chest only heaved slightly.

"Where's the panda doll?" The man wearing white gloves was also a man, and he asked condescendingly.

"Run... run away..." a faint voice sounded.

The man's eyes were icy cold, and when he heard this answer, he laughed lightly: "Trash."

He tried to intercept his prey, but instead drove the prey away.

The man stepped on the neck of the man on the ground.

There was only a "click" sound of bones shifting, and the people on the ground were completely out of breath.

After picking up a few game items that fell beside the corpse, the man tore off his white gloves and threw them beside the corpse.

He was not in a hurry to leave, and took out a pair of clean white gloves from the inventory, and put them on slowly.

The man walked out of the basement in a few steps.

In the aisle, under the white light, the man's figure was tall and slender, with perfect proportions. He had a handsome and cold appearance, and his chiseled and delicate features revealed a sense of mystery of noble blood. His natural cold white skin was even more impressive. There is no flaw at all.

The aura around the man was very cold.

Those eyes were as deep as an ancient well, even after killing a person with his own hands, they still remained calm, as if they had been frozen for a thousand years.

Out of the basement, there is sunlight outside.

The man paused, took out a pair of black sunglasses and put them on, and then slowly walked out of the darkness.


【Hunting list】

No.1: You will be scumbag in the next life, 350 points
No.2: National Warriors, 320 points
No.3: Heh, 320 points
No.4: Invincible is too lonely, 310 points
No.5: God's Two Seconds, 310 points

Su Tingyu glanced at the hunting list, and then at it again.

its not right?
Who is this "he"?
Why did you suddenly jump on No.3?

The other top ten game nicknames were all on the list before. In the last few rounds of hunting, no new game nicknames appeared in the top twenty.

Su Tingyu checked the time, and there were 67 minutes left in the 5th round of hunting.

"Strange? This 'huh' is the hunter player of this round. It's been almost a day, and he is still so energetic to search for the prey. This is too fierce." Su Tingyu secretly remembered the nickname of the game.

 It will be very late to add more, you can watch it during the day~

(End of this chapter)

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