Bug in survival game

Chapter 172 Children Chapter Happy 14

Chapter 172 Happy Children's Day 14
"Da da da……"

A fat and short doll duck hid in a dilapidated warehouse in a panic.

Duck turned his head left and right, and found that there was no place for him to hide in the warehouse.

"It's over, it's over..." The duck doll was about to jump up anxiously.

"Hey, the duckling has come here~" A shrill and enchanting male voice sounded from the warehouse door.

Hearing this sound, the duck doll's skin became goosebumps.

A white-faced man with layers of white powder and heavy makeup came in twisting his waist.

"Little Duck, just be good and grab it. I can act quickly, and I guarantee that you won't feel the pain of death." The white-faced man pinched his orchid fingers, and a pretentious voice sounded.

"You..." The duck doll hesitated for a while, and said, "You are a big man who grows up like this, are you worthy of your parents?"

To be honest, at first he thought that he had encountered a female ghost in broad daylight.

Who knew it was a man.

"You—" the white-faced man was so angry that Lan Hua's fingers trembled violently, and a layer of white powder fell off his face.

"……you wanna die!"

The white-faced man tore off the hypocritical mask, and stared at the duck doll with sinister eyes.

The duck doll looked around, trying to find a chance to escape when the white-faced man was furious.

Just when the white-faced man took a step and was about to tear up the damned duck, the half-closed warehouse door was kicked open from the outside.

The man who walked in against the light wore a pair of black sunglasses on his face, one hand was inserted into the pocket of his suit trousers, and the other hand was casually hanging by his side. In the warehouse with insufficient light, the white gloves on his hands were especially conspicuous.

"Who are you?!" The white-faced man asked the man in a high-pitched voice.

Hearing this harsh voice, the man frowned, and when he saw the thick layer of powder on the white-faced man's face, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

He didn't talk nonsense, when the white-faced man was still in the mood of being annoyed by someone intruding, he quickly and accurately kicked the "powder face" that made him feel sick.


The duck doll sat down in fright, and then a lump of "unidentified object" flew over his head and hit the wall behind him.

Immediately afterwards, a figure walked past the duck doll, seemingly ignoring the latter completely.

A dagger quietly appeared in the man's hand.

Just as the white-faced man left the "intimate contact" wall, there was a sound of breaking through the air from behind. Before the white-faced man could turn his head, a dagger was inserted straight into the back of his head like a dart!
The white-faced man didn't even have time to use the props, so he died so suddenly.

solved one.

and also……

The man turned his head, just when he was about to find the duck doll——


The duck doll yelled in surprise, instead of taking this opportunity to escape, it ran towards the man who was a hunter.

The man's brows were slightly furrowed just now, and the voice was a bit naive...but it was a bit familiar.

The duck doll restrainedly stopped one meter away from the man, and said excitedly, "Boss, you've joined this game too? It's so fateful, Boss..."

"Who are you?" There was a dangerous look in the man's eyes behind the sunglasses, if this duckling can't give a reasonable explanation...

"Boss, I'm your driver Fatty! Feng Nanbei Feng Fatty... A few days before entering the dungeon, I also received a call from Qi Tezhu..." The duck doll chatted a lot, trying to prove it own identity.

(End of this chapter)

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