Bug in survival game

Chapter 174 Children Chapter Happy 16

Chapter 174 Happy Children's Day 16
The third day of the copy.

[Dungeon time: 20:00]

[End of the 180th hunting round]

All the players who were still alive in the Fairy City were a little surprised when they saw the different information on the panel.

What the hell is going on with the dungeon?

Sure enough, the panel refresh information has not stopped.

[The hunting time for the first round has ended]

[Now enters a half-hour vacuum period, all players will recover their bodies]

[All players are requested to gather at the Grand Plaza of the Childhood Center]

"Vacuum period?"

Su Tingyu, who was hiding in the pig shed, hadn't figured out what this meant, a burst of white light suddenly appeared on his body, and the body and the doll body began to separate.

Su Tingyu was standing in the pig shed, holding the doll body in her right hand, but now all the pigs in the pig shed were gone, and even the entire pasture lost all animal sounds in an instant.

"This... This is very similar to the situation at the beginning."

Just as Su Tingyu was about to hide the doll body in the haystack, the panel jumped out again.

[Please bring the doll with you! 】

Su Tingyu glanced at it and muttered, "What if I don't?"

【—Otherwise, you will bear the consequences】


Also threatened.

Su Tingyu always thought that he was an honest and obedient boy. He listened to the uncle of the director in the orphanage, and listened to the manager Sister Fei in the company. Now... in the dungeon, he naturally listened to the panel system.

Just take it with you~

After Su Tingyu patted the dust and dry grass on the surface of the doll, he slowly walked out of the pasture.

Outside, those child NPCs really disappeared.

"Where is the big square of Tongzhen Center?" Su Tingyu remembered that there were many road signs in Tongzhen Amusement City, and after finding a few at random, he determined the location of Tongzhen Plaza.

When passing by a children's bookstore, there was no one in it. Su Tingyu took a small children's schoolbag, put the doll body in it, and then carried the small schoolbag on his back to continue on his way.

On the way, Su Tingyu met more and more players, all of them were holding dolls, and they would cover up when they saw people, and some players also took a bag or something to pack the dolls.

Since they don't know what the dungeon is doing, most of the players refrain from doing anything to other players, and are just wary of each other.

When Su Tingyu finally came to the main square, he saw that many players had already gathered here.

A huge group of people, even after the first round of hunting, there are still tens of thousands of players in the dungeon.

"...How am I going to find Qin Qi and Fatty?" Su Tingyu tugged at the shoulder strap of his schoolbag depressedly.

"Wow, there are two players fighting over there!"

"Where is it?"


Su Tingyu's curiosity was also aroused.

Could it be that those two players are enemies?Or did it end up in the first round?

Now it's such a lucky encounter?
Su Tingyu also followed some melon-eating players to watch the fun.

But when Su Tingyu saw the face of one of the players fighting, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

The crowd of onlookers around gave way to an open space, and there were two men inside, without using any props, attacking each other with bare hands, punches and kicks.

There is even a fierceness in the eyes, as if he must kill the other party.

"I lost, Qin Qi?"

At this time, there was a cry of surprise from the crowd of onlookers. One of them was slightly stunned and turned his head subconsciously, trying to find the owner of the voice.

But another man wearing black sunglasses grabbed the gap, approached suddenly, turned around and kicked it out!
(End of this chapter)

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