Bug in survival game

Chapter 175 Children Chapter Happy 17

Chapter 175 Happy Children's Day 17
The raid came too suddenly.

The players who were watching all thought that Qin Qi was going to take this kick hard——

A shoe flew out of the crowd with a whoosh, like a small cannonball, hitting the face of the man wearing sunglasses!
The flying shoes made the man hesitate for a moment.

Dodge?or continue...

Qin Qi was not completely distracted, and when he noticed the man's surprise attack, he quickly retreated.

Seeing this, the man took advantage of the situation and took a few steps back at the same time to avoid the flying shoes.

At this time, a gap appeared in the crowd, and the players on both sides took a few steps back. Su Tingyu jumped out with one foot.

The other foot rested on the edge of the knee, not on the ground, only wearing a sock, but the shoe was missing.

"Huh? Why did this shoe fly out...it's really troublesome..."

Su Tingyu muttered "in a low voice", but all the players around heard it.

Especially those players who were next to Su Tingyu before, the corners of their mouths twitched when they heard this.

Could it be that the actions of this female player taking off her shoes and throwing them in one go just now are all fake?
Problems with their eyes?
Su Tingyu jumped to the side of the shoes he threw out, stretched his feet, and put the shoes on.

Immediately, Su Tingyu jumped up and down in front of Qin Qi, raised her fair face, and said with a smile, "Qin Qi, I have found you~"

Qin Qi looked at the girl, his eyes flickered slightly, and it was rare that he didn't respond immediately.

But at this time, Su Tingyu had already turned his head away, not paying attention to Qin Qi's strange behavior.

Su Tingyu stretched out his little finger, and pointed at the man wearing sunglasses opposite him: "Who is this guy? Why are you fighting?"

Qin Qi: "It's okay."

Su Tingyu turned his head in confusion, and glanced at Qin Qi's expression twice.

This...doesn't feel like anything is going to happen.

"Heh." The man on the opposite side sneered with unknown meaning, and looked at Qin Qi: "It's not something that can't be said, isn't it just... I lost an ear?"

Hearing this, Qin Qi's eyes darkened slightly: "You'd better be careful."

don't let me get a chance...

"Okay, I don't have time to play with the children all the time." The man tugged at the white glove on his right hand, and said in a casual and disdainful tone: "If you want to fight, come now." Saying this, he raised his right hand and pointed at Qin Qi He stretched out two closed index fingers and middle fingers in the same direction, and hooked them twice, which was full of provocation.

Looking at his looks and temperament alone, the man should be a few years older than Qin Qi, but definitely not more than seven or eight years old, but now he is showing a mature and stable elder attitude.

Obviously, it's disdain, and it's angering Qin Qi.

Qin Qi's hand hanging by his side was quietly clenched into a fist, and the depths of his eyes were full of undercurrents.

Su Tingyu watched Qin Qi's every move.

If so.

She secretly poked and took off her shoes...

Just when the situation was once at a standstill——

"Boss, I'm back...Huh? Boss? Brother Qin? You are here too!"

A chubby figure ran over, holding a big bag in his hand. With a sweep of his eyes, he immediately saw the three most conspicuous people present.

A smile appeared on the fat man's face, and then he suddenly realized... the atmosphere seemed to be wrong?

"Uh... what's wrong? What happened?" Fatty walked to the middle of the three of them, looked left and right, always feeling that there was a slight smell of gunpowder permeating the air.

(End of this chapter)

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