Bug in survival game

Chapter 176 Children Chapter Happy 18

Chapter 176 Happy Children's Day 18
"Fatty, do you know him?" Su Tingyu was the first to ask.

"That's right, this is what my boss said in the hospital before." After the fat man finished speaking, he turned his head to look at the man, and smiled naively: "Boss, these two are my friends."

"Boring." The man glanced at the fat man, then looked at Qin Qi and Su Tingyu, uttered the word coldly, turned around and left in disappointment.

"Boss... Boss, where are you going?" The fat man was holding a slightly bulging bag and a small schoolbag on his back. His eyes were blank, he turned his head to look at Su Tingyu and Qin Qi, and said, "Boss, Brother Qin, let me go and see what happened to the boss..."

After finishing speaking, the fat man hurriedly chased after him.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu tugged at the corner of Qin Qi's clothes: "Let's go, let's go and have a look."

After a bit of pulling, the person was still standing there, showing no signs of moving, and his face was full of reluctance.

Su Tingyu had no choice but to drag him along and follow behind the fat man.


Following along the way, Su Tingyu found that disputes broke out between many players.

But they all have one thing in common.

None of the players used external force other than physical force, such as game props.

There is also a black bag hanging on Qin Qi's waist, which is a little bulging, and Su Tingyu knows that it should contain Qin Qi's doll body.


"Qin Qi, what is your puppet body?" Su Tingyu approached Qin Qi's ear and asked in a low voice.

Qin Qi pursed his lower lip: "Panda."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes.


Qin Qibian is a panda.

Must be cute!

I really want to see wow!

Qin Qi glanced at Su Tingyu and said, "...nothing to see."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Su Tingyu tilted his head.

"It's okay." Qin Qi replied sullenly, he didn't want to tell Big Yu that he was missing an ear.

Su Tingyu looked forward, and the fat man was sitting with the man on the shaded steps.

"Big Brother~Brother Qin~" Fatty waved at the two of them.

After Su Tingyu and Qin Qi came over, Fatty had already noticed that there seemed to be some misunderstanding between the three of them, so he warmly invited them to sit down, hoping to ease the relationship between them.

Within a radius of [-] meters, there were no other players wandering around, because they were all driven away by the man alone.

Those who don't want to leave will just get out after a beating.

"Boss, Brother Qin, let me introduce you formally. This is my boss, the person in charge of the Gu family in the capital..."

"Gu Qi, go to nine."

Before the fat man finished speaking, the man suddenly opened his mouth, and the cold eyes behind the sunglasses looked directly at the two of them: "Qin Qi, Angel Su, one is the first batch of internal beta players, but they are only lv6, one They are the third batch of internal beta players who made Li Ge flee in embarrassment, and they are considered newcomers."

Su Tingyu looked at Fatty suspiciously.

The fat man whispered: "I just told you which batch you are from..."

The implication is that other information about the two of them was collected by Gu Qi through his own means.

There is nothing wrong with Su Tingyu's introduction, but Qin Qi's last sentence... No matter how it sounds, it feels like it is aimed at ridicule.

These two people... What kind of trouble did they end up with?

Now that the distance between the four of them is within two meters, Su Tingyu can also look up Gu Qi's game nickname.


Oh wow.

It was the player who rushed hard in the 67th round.


If Su Tingyu remembers correctly, it seems that he only saw Qin Qi on the list in the 99th round, that is to say, Qin Qi was a hunter player in the 99th round, and he was just a doll before.

Could it be that in the 67th round, the hunter player Gu Qi met Qin Qi who was still a prey player at that time?

That's when the two of them...

(End of this chapter)

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