Bug in survival game

Chapter 177 Children Chapter Happy 19

Chapter 177 Happy Children's Day 19
As soon as his thoughts spread out, Su Tingyu felt more and more that he might have glimpsed some kind of truth.

"Fatty, how did you meet... your boss's?" Su Tingyu quietly walked away from the two and ran to Fatty.

So, the fat man was almost killed by the hunter player, and was rescued by the boss who descended from the gods at the critical moment, and finally hid in a place with Gu Qi, and spent the rest of the hunting time in the first round safely. .

"Oh~ oh~ that's how it is!"

Su Tingyu believed Fatty's words that Gu Qi saved him, but the gods came down to earth... No matter how you look at it, Gu Qi doesn't seem like a kind person who would save people with good intentions from the very beginning. I guess he wants to catch all the possibilities will be bigger.

However, because Fatty is his conscientious employee in reality, he was able to stop in the end and not kill Fatty to get points, which also shows that he has certain principles.

"By the way, boss, my boss created an alliance in the game. The name of the alliance is 'Punishment'. In all alliances, the comprehensive data of all aspects is conservatively estimated. It can be ranked in the top five or even the top three. Do you want us to join it? Leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade?" The fat man threw out such a message.

"Punishment?" Su Tingyu tilted his head slightly.

When Su Tingyu browsed the rankings before, he had seen the name of this alliance on the list. It is true that the list data in all aspects is very high, and some even surpass Miracle Red.

Unexpectedly, the person in charge of Xing was actually met by them, and in reality, he was also Fatty's boss.

"do not add."

Qin Qi suddenly made a sound.

The four of them were not far away, and the fat man didn't deliberately lower his voice, Qin Qi could hear it, and rejected the fat man's proposal without thinking.

"Heh." Gu Qi turned his head, and the corner of his mouth curled into a trace of sarcasm: "Just you? A brat, even if you want to increase the sentence, you won't receive the sentence."

"Punishment? Is it very strong? I'm afraid it's a low-level organization." Qin Qi's eyes were slightly cold.


Su Tingyu and Fatty, who were watching, looked at each other silently.

Su Tingyu: Your boss is Guigeng this year?

Fatty: ...it seems to be 26 years old this year, and I haven't had my birthday yet.

Su Tingyu: Good guy, he is only four years older than Qin Qi, and he can pretend to be a thief.

Fat Man: What happened?Why do the boss and Brother Qin seem to dislike each other?

Su Tingyu: Be confident, remove the appearance, they just don't like each other!

Fatty: ...

The two of them had been making eye contact all the time, and neither dared to speak at this moment.

Feeling careless, the powder keg was lit again.

Fortunately, the two only had a few verbal arguments, and did not fight again.

Seeing that the two of them were speechless, the fat man dragged over the big bag he had brought earlier.

Once opened, it is full of food or drink.

"Come and try, these are delicious." Fatty greeted the three of them, and took the initiative to share the food.

Although all four of them have food and water in their inventory, they will need it more in the next game, so don’t consume it if they can’t consume it now.

What's more, the food and water in the inventory are only about filling the hunger and replenishing water. In terms of taste and texture, they are definitely not as good as the food and drinks carefully scavenged by the fat man.

And just as the three of them were eating, the panel popped out.

[Countdown to vacuum period: 15 minutes left]

[The following changes will be made in the second round of hunting, please prepare for it]

[Second round hunting point system: 1 doll body, 20 points]

[After the start of the second round, all players' doll body hiding spots in the first round will be exposed. For details, please click on the map. Players are requested to work hard to find new hiding spots]

 Hey, the biggest male second in this article is here~ Welcome~

  Fatty: I wasn't the second male when I first appeared on stage?The clown was me?
  Li Ge: Then I go?

  Gu Qi: Heh.

(End of this chapter)

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