Bug in survival game

Chapter 178 Children Chapter Happy 20

Chapter 178 Happy Children's Day 20
As soon as the two revised rules came out, there was an uproar.

The players in the big square are not only people of yellow race or people from the Celestial Dynasty. Su Tingyu can see many faces of foreigners, both black and white.

Therefore, in just a few seconds, Su Tingyu heard the players greet the dungeon with "friendly words" in various languages.

"No wonder we are asked to bring the doll body." Su Tingyu sighed.

There were some players who came empty-handed in the big square, presumably those people deliberately ignored the advice of the panel system and insisted on leaving the dolls in their original places.

After the start of the second round, just like the beginning, there is 10 minutes of preparation time to hide the doll body.

And those players who don't carry the doll body with them have to go back to get the doll body, and then go to find a new hiding place, wasting some time in vain.

At this moment, male players from Bailai entered within a radius of [-] meters, each of them was tall, with a calm and introverted aura.

After the group came over, they all stopped ten meters away, and one of the men came over.

The man is about 30 years old, wearing a black suit and leather shoes, well-dressed, elegant temperament, and a pair of white gloves on his hands.

When the fat man saw the man's face clearly, his eyes widened in surprise: "Q... help Qi?"

The man paused slightly, glanced at the fat man, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. After slightly nodding to the fat man, he came to Gu Qi and bowed slightly: "Master, we're all assembled, including me, there are 148 people in total. 3 members passed the first round, and [-] other members were eliminated."

"En." Gu Qi was playing with his white-gloved fingers, and answered casually.

The man turned around and looked at Su Tingyu and the two, with a polite and distant smile on his face: "These two are..."

The fat man leaned over and replied, "Assistant Chit, this is my friend."

"Hello." Hearing this, the man put one hand in front of him, bowed slightly, and saluted like a gentleman.

"Hello." Su Tingyu also smiled.

Taking advantage of the close distance, both sides checked their respective game nicknames at the same time.

【Five Elements Lack of Money】

Su Tingyu: ... Tsk, this game's nickname seems to be in the top ten of the hunting list.

"Qin Qi..." Assistant Qi Te's eyes flashed a strange color, he sized Qin Qi up, and said hesitantly, "Are you... the seventh young master of the Qin family?"

Hearing this, Qin Qi looked straight at Special Assistant Qi: "You know me?"

Assistant Qi nodded: "Although I haven't seen Qi Shao with my own eyes, I have heard that Qi Shao has been gifted since he was a child. He was spotted by a special department before he was an adult and went to study."

After listening to Special Assistant Qi's explanation, Qin Qi was indifferent and didn't say a word.

Seeing this, Assistant Qi didn't mind, and smiled a little friendlyly, then turned around and went back to look for Gu Qi.

It seems that there is still something to talk about.

Su Tingyu and the three walked a little further away.

"In the second round, let's stay together, we can be more secure." Su Tingyu took a sip of the drink he was holding.

The fat man scratched his head: "Boss, how about we talk to the boss, they have more people..."

Su Tingyu glanced at Fatty: "Do you think it's possible?" After speaking, he pointed Qin Qi's direction again.

Uh... Fatty blinked, and he looked at Qin Qi who had already turned his head and didn't know where to look... Hiss, this is a problem.

On the other side, Chett helped lower his voice:
"Master, in the batch of lists I checked earlier, there is this young master Qin Qi."

Gu Qi's eyes froze, his tone was low: "Are you sure?"

 Give a reward and add more, okay~

  Today, I was suddenly autistic and anxious for a long time. I didn’t write many words. I have a handicap. The amount of updates in the past few days is too much for me. Now I don’t have much to save.
  Therefore, in the last few days, I will not add updates, save the manuscript, wait for the recommendation by the way, and adjust the status

  Come to push and then I will add more updates for you, even if I don’t come to push, after I get over it, I have a saved manuscript, and I will give you a wave, okay~

(End of this chapter)

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