Bug in survival game

Chapter 179 Children Chapter Happy 21

Chapter 179 Happy Children's Day 21
Su Ting rolled his eyes and saw Assistant Qi returning to the team of hundreds of people with a piece of paper that Gu Qi handed him.

Assistant Qi looked at the content on the paper, as if he was assigning something.

When there was only one minute left in the vacuum period, Assistant Qi walked towards Su Tingyu and the others.

"Mr. Feng is Master Jiu's driver. Since we met in the same dungeon, Master Jiu can't ignore his safety. Since the two are friends of Mr. Feng, Xing would like to invite you to temporarily join us in this round of dungeons to clear the customs together. "

After some rhetoric, the water did not leak, and he made a sincere and enthusiastic invitation gesture.

Just as Qin Qi wanted to refuse, Su Tingyu who was beside him pinched his hand, and the latter said with a normal expression: "If we join, what do we need?"

Assistant Qi pretended not to see Su Tingyu's small movements, and responded with a smile: "There is only one, just protect Jiu Ye."

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, with a weird expression on his face: "Uh... Fatty's boss is with us?"

"That's right." Assistant Qi nodded: "The Bailai people of Xing will also be divided into teams of 3 to 4 people according to the hunting time they have mastered, so that they can take care of each other."

"Yes, but we won't do anything beyond our capabilities." Su Tingyu pondered for a few seconds before nodding in agreement.

The fat man on the side heaved a sigh of relief, and then his expression became a little excited.

Coupled with the boss covering him, this round of dungeon is stable!
Assistant Qi was not surprised that Su Tingyu would say this, and still nodded with a smile: "This is natural."

After Assistant Qi left, Su Tingyu let go of Qin Qi's palm.

Before Qin Qi could speak, Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes and explained: "There are many people in his family, and just like what the fat man said, he leans against a big tree to enjoy the shade. Don't get entangled. You two don't know each other. , okay?" Saying that, he stretched out his hand to poke Qin Qi's arm.

"No worries..." Qin Qi lowered his head and said in a muffled voice.

Su Tingyu blinked.

Why can't I believe it?

However, now that Qin Qi can let go, he should have thought clearly about the stakes.

There are only three of them, and it would be a great disadvantage for them to openly oppose a powerful alliance leader in the dungeon, or even make enemies.

Besides, Gu Qi is still Fatty's boss in reality, if the two sides become enemies, it will be difficult for Fatty to be in the middle.

"Just this one dungeon, just be patient and it will pass." Su Tingyu continued to unravel Qin Qi.

In fact, Su Tingyu is also very fascinated.

It stands to reason that with Qin Qi's personality, he shouldn't be so easily annoyed by someone, and still be brooding afterward, right?

Moreover, why does Qin Qi's current state feel a bit like the naive Qin Qi in reality?
Su Tingyu suddenly remembered that in reality, Qin Qi's injuries were still not healed, and some of the defects would definitely be taken away and repaired, which made his brain a bit confused now... Did he turn the corner?
[Attention all 'Happy Children's Day' players, the vacuum period is over, please find a new hiding spot within 10 minutes of preparation time, I wish you good luck]

"Good luck your mother!"

After the panel popped up, announcing that the second round of hunting was about to begin, some players still felt resentful and greeted them directly.

"Let's go." Gu Qi stood up, glanced at Su Tingyu and the other three, and then walked out of the square, and the hundred people who were punished also set off.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu and the other three also followed.

(End of this chapter)

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