Bug in survival game

Chapter 182 Children Chapter Happy 24

Chapter 182 Happy Children's Day 24
"Qin Qi, are you sleepy?"


Gu Gu's many calculations in his heart were interrupted by a voice, he raised his head slightly, just in time to see the little panda couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Gu Qi subconsciously sneered in his heart: Heh, he really turned into a panda...

Thinking like this, Gu Qi just wanted to make a sarcasm, but inexplicably, he remembered what Qi Bubai said before:

... "Master, it's not yet confirmed that the seventh young master is the child from back then. If it's true... don't make the relationship too rigid."



Thinking of some past events for a while, Gu Qi felt a little irritated. After all, that ridicule was not uttered, but changed to...

"While there is time now, take turns to rest first."

Gu Qi spoke expressionlessly.

Su Tingyu blinked when he heard it.

Oh yes.

Now the secret room is safer, and there are trustworthy people around to guard it.

"Qin Qi, fat man, you two go to bed first." Su Tingyu said.

"Okay, big brother." The fat man readily agreed, he was so sleepy, he couldn't wait to lie down and sleep.

The little panda raised its head at this time, and just about to grab Su Tingyu with its paws, the latter slapped it back.


Hearing this, the little panda whose paw was slapped could only curl up into a ball obediently and began to sleep.

Su Tingyu touched the little panda's head, she knew what Qin Qi wanted to say, she just wanted her to rest first.

But Qin Qi and Gu Qi, without her or Fatty watching, might fight again.

War of the Century: "Panda VS Rabbit"? ?

The picture is too beautiful to imagine.


After Qin Qi fell asleep, Su Tingyu stood up and walked towards Gu Qi.

Su Tingyu still remembered that the fat man said that his boss didn't like people approaching, so he stopped two meters away and sat down again.

"Gu Jiuye, since this round of dungeons started, I have always had a question. I don't know if you have discovered it." Su Tingyu raised a topic.

Gu Qi looked directly at Su Tingyu: "Tell me."

"At the beginning of the copy, the 3rd and 4th rules mentioned, if the player's doll body is destroyed, the player will be eliminated. It sounds okay."

"However, we also know that after the doll body is destroyed, the main body of the player will appear. If the main body of the prey player escapes, or like Fatty, because he dare not kill anyone and let the main body of the prey player go, then they will now ...is it still in the dungeon?" Su Tingyu paused slightly after saying the last sentence.

After listening to Gu Qi, there was no surprise or surprise on his face, but he said in a low tone: "Death punishment and failure punishment, the two are separate."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized.

Oh yes.

One is that the main body will be punished if it dies in the copy.

One is that in all tasks including the death of the main body, as long as there is an error in one link, the customs clearance will fail.

The two are separated.

In other words, losing the doll can only be regarded as a failure to clear the level. As long as the player itself does not die, there will be no death penalty.

However, the reasoning made sense, but Su Tingyu always felt a little weird, as if something was missing.


Somewhere in a dark, damp alley.

"Damn it, the doll's body is gone!" A male player punched the wall in front of him, his face extremely annoyed.

Without the doll body, he would have been eliminated...

"Fuck! What's the use of labor and capital staying in this dungeon now?!"

The male player cursed at the wall in front of him, spraying all kinds of obscenities.

At this time, at the entrance of the alley, a small leather ball jumped in and just hit the male player's feet.

Annoyed, the male player kicked the ball away!
When the male player turned his head and wanted to continue venting, a childish voice suddenly sounded from behind:

"Uncle, my ball is gone. Do you have a doll? I want to borrow your doll to play with."

(End of this chapter)

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