Bug in survival game

Chapter 183 Children Chapter Happy 25

Chapter 183 Happy Children's Day 25
Day [-] of the copy.

The numbers of the four of Su Tingyu from small to large are Fatty, Su Tingyu, Gu Qi, and Qin Qi.

On the fourth day, except for Qin Qi, the hunting time of the other three people was on this day.

Fatty was the first, and the hunting time was in the 203rd round.

By the 203rd round, the fat man had turned back into his original body, and then he had a tragic expression of Yi Shuihan. If he didn't know it, he thought he was going to die generously.

Su Tingyu couldn't help laughing, and reminded: "Fatty, in the dungeon rules, there is no mention of the punishment for hunter players who don't hunt prey players, and you don't have to go."

Unexpectedly, the fat man who has always been inspiring to the end shook his head and refused: "Boss, I also want to get some points in exchange for prizes to improve my strength... I can't keep holding you back."

Fatty is a very knowledgeable and interesting person.

Su Tingyu and Qin Qi regarded Fatty as friends and were willing to protect his safety in the dungeon. Fatty was very grateful to them, but he knew better that just because they were friends, they couldn't blindly trouble each other.

Of course, the fat man has also weighed repeatedly.

During the hunting time, he is the hunter player, taking the initiative, and the prey players cannot directly attack him. As for other hunting players... then he will run away immediately!

With a whole body of life-saving props, it would not be so easy to let the dog lead him.

If you can't catch him for too long, it is estimated that other hunter players will give up chasing him with a hunter player who has no points.

Seeing that Fatty was determined, Su Tingyu didn't want to persuade him much.

Fatty's choice is also right, try to seize every opportunity to improve his strength, so that he can face various unknown dungeons and dangers in the future more calmly.

"Fatty, take this." Su Tingyu took the fire bead from the decorative bar and threw it to the fatty.

Fatty took it without knowing why, and when he came into contact with the Fire Bath Orb, his decoration bar was unlocked.

"This is a decorative prop. You put it in the decorative column, and you don't need to take it out. You can use its function with a single thought." Su Tingyu explained the usage of the fire bath beads.

This fire orb is not an aggressive prop either, so you can't hug someone after your whole body is on fire, right?It's not as good as her blowing a brick straight away!
Therefore, this thing is not very useful to Su Tingyu. It is better to give Fatty another way to save his life and defeat the enemy.

"Thank you, big brother!" Fatty's eyes lit up after reading the information about the Fire Bath Bead, and he quickly put the Fire Bath Bead into the decorative column.

Gu Qi opened the secret door of the secret room and let the fat man go out.

...Two 10 minutes later, when the hunting time of the 203rd round ended, Fatty's duck doll moved.

The fat man came back with an excited expression on his face, and he couldn't wait to say: "I got 140 points this time, and I met some hunter players on the way. As soon as I used the fire orb, they saw that my whole body was on fire, so they gave up trying to attack me." .”

140 points, corresponding to 7 doll bodies with only initial points.

It's not that the fat man has never encountered a doll with extra hunting points, but those prey players are all very good.

Although Fatty was lucky enough to find them, he had no strength to take them down, so he could only watch his prey run away.

But to get 140 points, Fatty is also very satisfied.

"Boss, I'll give you back this fire bead..." Fatty said, and was about to take the fire bead from the decorative column.

Su Tingyu stopped and said: "You take it first, and there will be the third and fourth rounds. The function of the fire bath beads will not help me much."

"...Okay then, thank you boss."

Su Tingyu glanced at the time.

Next, among the four of them, it was her turn to hunt.

(End of this chapter)

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