Bug in survival game

Chapter 184 Children Chapter Happy 26

Chapter 184 Happy Children's Day 26
[The 224th round of hunting ends, and the 225th round of hunting begins]


[The 225th round of hunter players: 4401~4500 doll brooch numbers]

The information on the panel was updated, and a new round of hunting began.

Half a minute later, Su Tingyu walked out of the gate of the mall.

Childhood Amusement City is still a children's paradise full of laughter and laughter. Su Tingyu walks on the street and can see cute and immature faces like angels.

...well, assuming none of these kids are ripping people off.

Su Tingyu began to look for hidden prey players, searching every suspicious point in his field of vision.

Su Tingyu released Da Hui and asked him to use his soul body to penetrate into buildings to conduct a 360-degree investigation without dead ends.

However, even so, Su Tingyu still felt that his efficiency was a bit low.

After almost 10 minutes passed, she found 6 doll bodies, and they only had initial points.

"No, no, fat man can find 7 doll bodies, I can't be less than fat man!" Su Tingyu clenched his fist and continued to search hard.

After searching one street, Su Tingyu seized the time to run to the next street, and at the corner, a childish voice sounded: "Sister?"

Su Tingyu paused in his footsteps. This voice...why does it sound familiar?
Su Tingyu turned his head and saw a little girl in a little white dress not far away looking at her.

Seeing that Su Tingyu had noticed her, the little girl's smile widened, and she trotted over: "Sister, it's really you~"

The little girl flew over.

Su Tingyu hesitated for a second, whether to get out of the way or to kick it away... Finally, he reached out and hugged the little girl. Similarly, a smile appeared on his face: "You are, Sister Angel."

Su Tingyu recognized the little girl because she bandaged the wound on the little girl's knee herself.

This little girl was one of the child NPCs who tore those five players apart. Su Tingyu didn't dare to be careless.

Of course, Su Tingyu is not afraid... At worst, he should act first.

"Sister, why didn't you go to the candy store to eat star candies?" The little girl didn't know how crazy the elder sister who was saying "little angel sister" in front of her was, and asked curiously and ignorantly.

Su Tingyu's smile remained unchanged, and he reached out to stroke the little girl's head: "My sister is looking for something, she is very busy, and I don't have time to eat candy."

"Sister..." The little girl took out four star candies from the small pink bag at her waist like offering treasures: "I specially left these for my sister."

"Wow, thank you Sister Angel, take it back and eat slowly." Su Tingyu took the candy with a full face, put it back in his pocket, but didn't eat it on the spot.

"Sister, what are you looking for, I can help." The little girl said in a sweet voice when she saw Su Tingyu accepting the candy.

Su Tingyu smiled and said nothing.

She would tell a child to find a doll and tear it up?By the way, "tear up" people again?

This will teach bad children!

Is she the kind of person who harms little flowers in the dungeon?


At this time, Su Tingyu heard the little girl tilt her head again, and said in a cute and obedient tone: "Sister, my good friends and I found that many uncles were sleeping on the ground, why can't they wake up? Throw things on the ground."

Um? ?

Is it...

Su Tingyu's eyes froze, he squatted down, and looked at the little girl at the same level: "Sister Angel, can you take my sister to see, recently some things of my sister were stolen by thieves."

"Okay, sister."

(End of this chapter)

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