Bug in survival game

Chapter 185 Children Chapter Happy 27

Chapter 185 Happy Children's Day 27
"We live in a world where we never grow up
we are innocent and kind
we won't fight
we don't bleed anymore
we don't have to cry
the sky is blue
the earth is white
Dear children~

Please always keep smiling..."

Along the way, the little girl held Su Tingyu's hand, humming a song over and over again.

At the beginning, Su Tingyu didn't pay much attention.

But after listening to it a lot, Su Tingyu gradually felt that the "no quarrel, no crying, no more bloodshed" mentioned in the ballad seemed to have some deep meaning.

Before Su Tingyu could think too much, she was led into an alley by the little girl, and turned many turns one after another, going deeper and deeper.

This child is not playing with her, is it?
When this idea flashed through Su Tingyu's mind, the sickle in the inventory was also ready at any time. If the little girl had something strange, then don't blame her for "educating" the dungeon little flower herself.

I don't know how many turns, there is only a wall in front of me, and there is no road.

And on the ground, lay the corpse of a man who had died with a grievance. It had been dismembered, disembowelled, and all the large and small intestines flowed out.

Next to the corpse, squatting a little boy with hands covered in blood, the little boy was still holding a needle and thread in his hand, as if he was sewing the corpse.

When Su Tingyu and the little girl came here, the little boy had already sewn dozens of crooked "centipede threads" on the corpse.

After seeing the little boy sew the dead palm upside down, Su Tingyu couldn't help but remind him: "Little friend, the palm is sewed upside down."

The little boy raised his head blankly, looked at Su Tingyu and the little girl, and then looked down at the palm of the corpse. After two seconds of silence, he suddenly let out a "Yeah", and his face became extremely annoyed.

So, the little boy picked up a pair of blood-stained scissors on the ground, cut off the palm again, and then straightened it.

After finishing all this, the little boy stood up and turned to greet the little girl: "Nuomi, you are here."

"Brother Fuwa, I brought my sister." The little girl couldn't wait to introduce Su Tingyu to the little boy.

The little boy's eyes fell on Su Tingyu, and he paused for two seconds. Then, his little face slowly blushed, and his voice was weak: "Hi pretty sister, I'm Fuwa."

"Cute Fuwa, hello." Su Tingyu's eyes lit up with a strange look, and she walked towards the little boy.

After Su Tingyu walked a few steps closer, when he saw clearly what had fallen next to the corpse, his eyes became brighter.

... There are really game items, or five!
"Little Fuwa, can my sister take a look at the items next to her?" Seeing that there were two little angels staring at her, Su Tingyu asked politely.

"Yes, sister." The little boy smiled innocently.

If he could wipe off the blood on his body, maybe he would be a little cuter.

Su Tingyu picked up five game items, because two children had been staring at her calmly, so they didn't put them into the inventory immediately.

"Little glutinous rice angel, these items are very similar to the things I lost before. I wonder if there are any more?" Su Tingyu, who didn't know what his face was, began to ask seriously.

"Of course, I can continue to take my sister there." The little girl's tone was relaxed and lively, with a smile on her face, as if she was happy to help Su Tingyu.

"Then let's go..." Just as Su Tingyu took a step, the corner of his clothes was suddenly grabbed tightly by a small hand.

Beside him, the little boy whispered, like an invitation from a devil: "...Sister, can you stay and play with us?"

(End of this chapter)

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