Bug in survival game

Chapter 186 Children Chapter Happy 28

Chapter 186 Happy Children's Day 28
For an instant.

The harmonious atmosphere in the alley turned sharply downwards, revealing a creepy sense of suffocation.

Su Tingyu was silent for two seconds, then turned his head suddenly, with the same smile on his face, pulled off the corner of his clothes, and said softly, "No."

"Why? Does my sister not like me... Does my sister hate me! Does she despise me!!" The little boy's voice began to sob in a low voice, and finally raised his pitch suddenly, asking sharply.

Not only that, but out of the corner of Su Tingyu's eyes, Su Tingyu caught a glimpse of the little girl's face slowly losing her smile, as if she was covered in a haze.

"Of course not."

Su Tingyu comforted softly, then squatted down, and looked at the little boy as equals.

She stretched out her hands, and gently embraced the little boy's two arms, which were so small that they could be broken if they were lightly broken, her tone was extremely gentle: "Fuwa is so cute, how can there be no one who doesn't like it?"

Because of this sentence, the breath on the little boy's body gradually calmed down, and he repeated the original words: "Then sister, stay and play with us."

Su Tingyu shook his head slightly, and in the next second he said righteously: "My sister also wants to stay and play duck with you, but my sister still wants to protect Tongzhen Amusement City! To protect all the angel children!"

As soon as these words came out, the two children who were still very innocent and easy to deceive were confused.

Su Tingyu sighed suddenly, and told the truth with a helpless expression:
"Actually, my sister didn't get stolen, but recently discovered that a group of people sneaked into the Children's Inn Amusement City, and they may be carrying a lot of dangerous items!"

"For the safety of Tongzhen Amusement City and all the kind and lovely little angels like you, my sister has been looking for those people."

"As long as you can take away the dangerous items on them, you can protect Tongzhen Amusement City and you little angels."

Even Su Tingyu himself almost believed the clear and powerful rhetoric!

But well.

The two children were visibly frightened.

He even forgot to continue blackening, and turned into a delicate and weak cutie again.

"Sister, are there bad people..."

"Sister, I'm afraid..."

Most of the eye circles of the two children were red, and they were crying while sucking their noses, so pitiful.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, my sister is here..."

After hearing Yuyu's coaxing for a few times, Su said, "The most important thing now is to help my sister find other dangerous items. Are you willing to help my sister?"

"I will, sister."

"I would too."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu smiled and rolled his eyes: "Now, take my sister to see other dangerous items. My sister will collect them together and take them out of the city. In this way, we can protect the innocent amusement city." , you are all little heroes too."

The last sentence of encouragement directly made the two children excited and unbearable.

After taking care of these two problem children, Su Tingyu finally saw the second corpse, the third corpse, and the fourth corpse...

When the time was almost up, Su Tingyu casually found an excuse, saying that he had something to do, so he fooled the two children into staying and separated from them.

But before they separated, in order to ensure a "long-term" income, Su Tingyu asked the two children to mobilize their good friends to help guard the corpse, and then when she came back, she would touch the corpse and take away dangerous items.

In the remaining time, Su Tingyu was lucky enough to find five huddled doll bodies, and he didn't know if he had been in contact with those two cuties for too long.


Scared me.

I thought I couldn't even compare to the fat man.

One second before the hunting time ended, Su Tingyu secretly rejoiced.

 Continue to expand:

  20 are here, 100 million is still far away~

(End of this chapter)

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