Bug in survival game

Chapter 187 Children Chapter Happy 29

Chapter 187 Happy Children's Day 29
After Su Tingyu's consciousness returned to the doll's body, the cat doll that was lying flat sat up from the ground.

Su Tingyu, who came back, roughly told the three of his gains from this trip.

"Wow, can you still play like this?!"

After hearing how Su Tingyu fooled the child NPC and got a bunch of game items, the fat man couldn't help but exclaim.

Su Tingyu waved his hand: "Calm down."

"Boss, how can you be calm? By the way, how many game items did you fool around?" Fatty asked curiously.

"How can this be called fooling? I got this by my strength!"

"...Boss, you are right." After being refuted by Su Tingyu, the fat man immediately changed his words without any sense of disobedience.

Su Tingyu counted the number of corpses he had touched, and replied: "The time is limited, and I haven't touched many corpses. One corpse can explode five game items, so you can get thirty game items, oh yes, that doesn't include I grab the doll body myself, and get rid of the game items that exploded from the main body... a total of 57 game items."

The fat man counted and found that something was wrong: "No, boss, didn't you kill 11 prey players? Why did only 27 game items explode? Isn't this explosion rate a little..."

"Ahem, it's not important!" Su Tingyu remained calm, not panicking at all.

Gu Qi didn't focus on the game items like Fatty, but slowly analyzed the cause of death of those players:

"The game items that exploded from the corpse were not picked up by other players. First of all, it was ruled out that the players killed them. Then, who killed the dead players? Combined with what you said before, five players were besieged to death by child NPCs. The result is obvious."

The fat man was stunned for a moment, and after he realized it, he was a little stunned.

Oh yes!

The game items are not the point, the point is how those players died without knowing why!

Seeing that Gu Qi immediately discovered the doubts, Su Tingyu ignored the question about the number of game items and expressed his own thoughts:

"But the cause of death of the five players before was due to fighting or even bleeding in front of the child NPC. The corpses of the players I saw this time were all alone, and no second corpse was found nearby. Preliminary inferences, it should not be the same reason. That triggers death."

The two looked at each other and thought of the topic they had discussed before.

"It's a doll body."

"Those players may not have doll bodies!"

The two said their conjectures almost at the same time, and they were exactly the same.

"It seems that those players who lost their doll bodies were silently killed by the child NPC, and the broken bodies were stitched back into dolls by the child NPC little by little." Su Tingyu sighed.

Gu Qi: "This is another hidden rule."

Su Tingyu: "It's probably true."

At this time, Gu Qi changed the topic and talked about game items, "If you have game items that you want to sell, you can consider making a deal with Xing."

Thinking of this mention, Su Tingyu also thought of his disposal of these game items.

Although it is very cool to get so many game items, some of the game items are not urgently needed by her or do not help her much. They can be traded with others and exchanged for game currency.

"What is the price given by Xing?"

Su Tingyu was a little moved, but this kind of transaction is done in private, and the discount may be different for each transaction, so both parties need to negotiate together.

(End of this chapter)

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