Bug in survival game

Chapter 188 Children Chapter Happy 30

Chapter 188 Happy Children's Day 30
"The game items produced in the mall are priced at 85% of the original price in the mall. The unique game items produced in dungeons are priced based on factors such as grade and function, and then refer to the prices of similar game items in the mall." Gu Qi gave a A pricing strategy that can only be enjoyed by insiders.

Su Tingyu thought about it, and felt that the price was reasonable.

At this time, Su Tingyu felt a small paw pushing her, and when he turned his head, he saw that the little panda seemed to be in a low mood.

"What's the matter?" Su Tingyu touched the little panda's head.

The little panda's depressed voice came out little by little: "It was agreed before... that I will find it for you."

Su Tingyu was stunned for a moment, and was slow to realize that Qin Qi was talking about finding someone to trade game items for her in the Trapped Beast dungeon.

But at that time, after the dungeon was released, because of Qin Qi's real affairs, she gradually forgot about it.

"It's all the same."

He didn't know Qin Qi's real situation before, but now Su Tingyu knows, and he has nothing to look forward to from the "friend" Qin Qi mentioned.

If it is really a friend worthy of Qin Qi's trust, Qin Qi doesn't have to wait until she and Fatty take him away.

It is estimated that it is just an ordinary game friend relationship, and they have never met in reality.

And considering here, there is a realistic relationship with Fatty, so at least he has some understanding, and it will be more convenient and efficient to trade.

Furthermore, considering the price given, it is really not low.

Seeing that Su Tingyu had already made up his mind, Qin Qi had no choice but to give up.

So Qin Qi turned his head and stared at Gu Qi: "85% is too little, at least 90%."

Gu Qi looked indifferent, and even began to mock in his heart: Stupid panda, who do you think you are?Teach me to do things?
...and actually.

"Heh, I don't care about fools, 90% is 90%, anyway, I don't lack this game currency."


Su Ting Yuyan quickly grabbed the little panda who wanted to jump up and hit the rabbit.

Then he comforted the little panda over and over again: "Qin Qi is not stupid, what is stupid is Gu Qi... We don't care about him, we are not angry..."

Fatty listened beside him, only feeling terrified.

The fat man doesn't know, should he remind the boss... His boss can hear it, oh my god!He even looked over here! !
The duck doll quickly moved to the edge of the wall two or three times, and huddled into a ball.

Su Tingyu noticed that Gu Qi was looking this way, but so what?accurate?Kind of hit me?

I don't know what's wrong with Gu Qi... He just loves to provoke Mao Qin Qi so much.

"I'm not stupid..." The little panda huddled beside Su Tingyu, unable to hit the rabbit, and could only keep repeating these three words stubbornly.

"Yeah, Qin Qi is not stupid."

"...I'm not stupid, he is!"

"Yes, yes, he is stupid, he is stupid..."


The little panda was slowly appeased, and lost most of his anger.

But after waiting for a while, the little panda became more and more aggrieved as he thought about it, so, taking advantage of Su Tingyu not paying attention, he quietly glared at Gu Qi on the opposite side.

After the little panda stared at it, it retracted its head like a guilty conscience, and nestled obediently beside Su Tingyu.

But the little panda didn't know, he thought he would be angry and annoyed Gu Qi, but for some reason, there was a hint of unexplained joy in his heart.

What I can see in my eyes is the red panda full of vivid colors, not the dull gray.

Just like the summer in his memory, the last bright color he saw.

(End of this chapter)

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