Bug in survival game

Chapter 189 Children Chapter Happy 31

Chapter 189 Happy Children's Day 31
When it was 18 o'clock in the evening, Gu Qi went out to hunt.

At 5 o'clock in the morning of the next day, it was Qin Qi's turn to go hunting.

The two of them got a lot of points and game items when they went out this time. However, they didn't encounter the corpses of players who hadn't been touched like Su Tingyu.

The sixth day of the copy.

[Dungeon time: 8:00]

[End of the 360th hunting round]

[The hunting time for the second round has ended]

[Now enters a half-hour vacuum period, all players will recover their bodies]

[All players are requested to gather at the Inn of Innocence]

After the 360th round of hunting time ended, all surviving players were ready to enter the vacuum period. With the refresh of the panel information, they found that the final meeting place had changed.

"How is this going?"

All players had the same doubts in their minds.

Despite being puzzled, all the players set off immediately and rushed to the Tongzhen Center Hotel.

When Su Tingyu and his group came to the door of the hotel, they saw that Assistant Qi had already arrived here first, and was waiting at the door.

Seeing Gu Qi and the others coming, Assistant Qi Te stepped forward to greet him: "Master."

"How's it going."

Gu Qi didn't ask anything specifically, but as a special assistant, Qi Bubai replied in a calm tone in the next second: "Half of the members have not yet arrived, and the other half of the members who have arrived have also counted the number of members. No members were eliminated."

"En." Gu Qi responded, and he was not surprised to hear this result.

They have already assigned safe and secure hiding places to the members under their hands. If someone is eliminated, it will be called an accident.

"In addition, the number of players who are still alive, conservatively estimated, should be around [-]." Qi Bubai said another piece of information.

At the end of the first round, there were still more than 1 players.

At the end of the second round, there were at most 8000 players left.

These data are not calculated by the panel system, but are used to further estimate the number of players based on the hunting points obtained by the top [-] players on the hunting list at the end of each round.

At present, the status of the hunting list at the end of the second round——

【Hunting list】

No.1: You will be scumbag in the next life, 1010 points
No.2: Heh, 980 points
No.3: National Warriors, 950 points
No.4: Invincible is too lonely, 920 points
No.5: Qin Qi, 900 points

After entering the big hotel, several people came to a building seized by Xing, and Gu Qi briefly told Qi Bubai about the dungeon information they got here.

Wait a while, and let Qi Bubai inform the other members of Xing.

After Qi Bubai finished listening, he pondered for a moment and said, "Perhaps, these hidden rules are inextricably linked with the origin of Children's Day."

"The origin of Children's Day, isn't that..." the fat man hesitated to speak.

Players like Su Tingyu who entered the event dungeon also guessed in advance that it might have something to do with Children's Day, and then they checked some information in the real world.

In 1942, during the war, more than 16 male citizens and all babies over the age of 140 in a village in a foreign country were shot dead, and women and 90 children were also sent to concentration camps.

In 1949, after the war ended, in order to commemorate the children who died in the war and to protect the children's rights to survival, health care and education in all countries in the world, in an international conference, the participating countries reached an agreement to set the annual June 6 The day is set as Children's Day...

In the present era, the country is rich and the people are strong, peaceful and prosperous, and people who have never experienced the era of war and poverty, perhaps many people do not know——

When they were young, they looked forward to the coming Children's Day every year, the Children's Day when the school would have holidays and activities, and the Children's Day when their parents would take them to eat a big meal or travel. There is this sad and gloomy story behind it.

(End of this chapter)

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