Bug in survival game

Chapter 190 Children Chapter Happy 32

Chapter 190 Happy Children's Day 32
"After the dungeon is over, you are responsible for contacting Angel Su to trade game items. All game items produced in the mall will be given 90% of the price to her."

When Gu Qi mentioned that it was Su Tingyu who discovered the hidden rule that "players who lose their doll bodies will be killed by child NPCs", and mentioned that Su Tingyu had accidentally obtained a lot of game items, Qi Bubai also raised a question in his heart. Afterwards, I went to Su Tingyu to ask about the idea of ​​the deal.

But what Qi Bubai didn't expect was that Lord Jiu not only personally intervened in this matter, but also set a price of 90%, a price that even the elite members of the punishment department had never owned.

Although he was puzzled, Qi Bubai nodded calmly with his excellent professionalism: "Okay, sir."

Gu Qi turned his head, glanced at the three of Su Tingyu, and said, "You can go shopping as you like, but don't leave too far away. Thousands of players are not all scattered, and there are still many people from alliances or teams."

The implication of these words is that they are driving people away.

The two may have some internal secrets to discuss, and it is inconvenient to keep Su Tingyu and the other three here to listen.

"That's fine." Su Tingyu readily agreed.

After the three of them went out completely, when only Gu Qi and Qi Bubai were left, the latter coughed lightly and asked tentatively: "Master, how do you get along? Does Qin Qishao look like the one you are looking for?" bit?"

Gu Qi glanced at Qi Bubai lightly, and said casually, "It's pretty good."

"Get along well?"

Qi Bubai was a little bit unconvinced.

Outsiders don't know Gu Qi's temperament, they will only think that he is cruel and cruel, with no humanity at all.

But Qi Bubai has followed Gu Qi for many years, and gradually, he has also figured out some of Gu Qi's temper, and said something disrespectful, at certain times or in certain aspects, my father is not the usual poisonous tongue, and he is a bit... dog .

Seeing that Qi Bubai's eyes were getting more and more strange, Gu Qi frowned: "What is your expression? Do you question me?"

"Don't dare." Qi Bubai lowered his brows and suppressed the trace of helplessness in his eyes.

"As for the appearance, heh, do you think I will believe in the feeling of emptiness?"

"The subordinate understands that after the dungeon is over, the subordinate will check it out as soon as possible and find out the relevant proof."


After the three of Su Tingyu came out, they didn't know exactly where to go shopping.

Afterwards, only Su Tingyu made up his mind - just wander around.

In the big hotel, all the players are almost here now, some powerful alliances or groups are occupying the territory, and players like Lone Ranger, in order not to cause trouble, can only find a place to rest for a while.

There were a lot of people, Su Tingyu kept holding Qin Qi's hand to prevent him from getting lost.

Because Su Tingyu felt that Qin Qi in this round of dungeons was always a little silly, and he didn't know if it was a sequela of becoming a little panda.

After strolling around for a while, the three of Su Tingyu found a piece of grass, and when they were about to sit down and rest their feet——

"It's dead!!"

A panicked and screaming female voice suddenly sounded from an artificial lake, and within a few seconds, it immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding players.

"Come on, let's go and see."

Su Tingyu signaled, and the three of them walked towards the source of the sound together.

By the lake, the players who came to see the excitement gathered in a sparse circle, and in the middle was a corpse. The dead man was a male player, his eyes were wide open, as if he had seen something incredible before he was alive.


"Don't be afraid, I'm here..."

The female player who was screaming had a terrified face, while a male player was comforting her beside the female player.

(End of this chapter)

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