Bug in survival game

Chapter 192 Children Chapter Happy 34

Chapter 192 Happy Children's Day 34
After the dangerous breath subsided, Qin Qi and Su Tingyu stood up from the ground.

The fat man hadn't fully reacted at this time, but he was pushed by Qin Qi just now, and subconsciously lay on the ground with his head in his arms. There is nothing serious now, but he feels a little frightened.

"This...why does someone use a gun here?" The fat man asked tremblingly.

Qin Qi glanced at the bullet marks on the ground not far away, and said in a low voice, "It should not be a gun produced by the mall, maybe it was found in this round of dungeons. Besides, normal guns are materials, not props."

"what happened?"

The movement outside attracted Gu Qi and Qi Bubai, and they came out one after the other.

"Jiuye, there was a sniper on the opposite floor just now, and almost shot and killed three distinguished guests." A member of the criminal team briefly reported the situation.

Gu Qi's eyes fell on the F building opposite, his eyes wearing sunglasses, at this moment, gradually, there were traces of dark and ghostly purple light.

In the world in Gu's eyes, the entire building has discarded the redundant and cumbersome walls, windows, and stairs... only countless transparent lines are left to form the internal structure of the entire building.

And the shadows walking back and forth in the building are all players who entered the building.

【warn!Players, please stop using professional talents! 】

Gu's panel jumped out.

During the vacuum period, players are not allowed to use any game props or professional talents.

Of course Gu Qi knows this.

But he still turned a deaf ear, and quickly locked onto a suspicious shadow inside the building.

Gu Qi's eyes glowed with purple light, and there were still layers of shadows and bursts of interlaced purple lightning flashing indistinctly.

The shadow became clear, so clear that even the specific facial features and expression changes of that person were presented.

[Warning countdown: 5, 4, 3, 2...]

Before the countdown to the last second appeared, Gu Qi withdrew his professional talent.

The alarm is cleared and the panel closes automatically.

"... Li Ge." Gu Qi's voice was cold, he recognized this face.

Demon Hunter, Li Ge.

In reality, he is a desperado international mercenary who recognizes money but does not recognize people. He has assassinated important figures in many countries and was wanted and arrested by many countries, but he is still at large.

"The one with the sniper rifle is Li Ge, he is at the stairway on the west side of the seventh floor." Gu Qi explained.

Qi Bubai turned his head and motioned for a dozen or so criminal members to go upstairs and search.

When Su Tingyu heard Li Ge's name, he was a little surprised: "Then he should be targeting me, right? After all, I almost killed him in the first round."

"Be careful, Li Ge is a mad dog who will never give up until he tears off a piece of flesh. If you don't kill him completely, he will come back sooner or later." Gu Qi reminded.

However, Gu Qi didn't take Li Ge seriously.

It's just a lone mad dog, more than vicious, but not good.

After a while, the criminal members who went to search came back.

"Jiuye, people have run away."

Gu Qi waved his hand, signaling his subordinates to back down.

He was not surprised by this result.

If Li Ge was caught so easily, it would not be Li Ge.

The reason why Gu Qi sent people to search was actually to give Li Ge a warning.

—You were found.

——I know your identity.

——The next time, it is not simply to send people to search.

Su Tingyu heard that it was the search result, his eyes rolled slightly, and suddenly, he slightly curled his lips: "Gu Jiuye, I want to ask Xing to help publicize something, and make sure all players know about it. "

"What's the matter?" Gu Qi glanced at her.

"The doll body of the demon hunter is a gray wolf doll."

(End of this chapter)

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