Bug in survival game

Chapter 193 Children Chapter Happy 35

Chapter 193 Happy Children's Day 35
Gu Qi paused for a moment, then took another serious look at Su Tingyu, then turned his head and said to Qi Bubai who was beside him who also showed a little surprise: "You arrange this matter."

"Okay, master." Qi Bubai nodded slightly, and then went down to tell someone to publicize the matter.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu "hummed" twice happily in his heart.

Su Tingyu has always believed that the power of the masses is great!

She couldn't meet Li Ge, and if she couldn't kill him, she would mobilize the masses to kill Li Ge.

Even if you can't kill him, you can't make him so arrogant.

Tsk tsk~ She is such an ordinary little genius!

10 minute later.

"Hey, don't you guys know that the demon hunter's doll is a big bad wolf!"

"Big news, big news! Demon hunter Li Ge's doll has revealed what animal form it is!"

"What is the doll body of a demon hunter?"

"Brother, you don't even know this? Li Ge is a big bad wolf!"


Players who are overly suppressed in the dungeon and are always tense can use a gossip to adjust their state, which is the most happy thing.

Players who already know are discussing with relish, and are very happy to explain in detail what happened to players who don't know.

Li Ge, who was hiding in the dark, suddenly realized that wherever he went, he could hear players discussing his big bad wolf doll body.

At first he was still confused.

Later, when I slowly recalled it, I gritted my teeth suddenly on my face, and my eyeballs almost spewed out anger.

"It's definitely that female player!"

Only she knows that her doll body is a gray wolf!

When Li Ge encounters other hunter players, he will not blindly be ignorant, but hide his identity to avoid being noticed that he is Li Ge.

"Damn! I knew I had just added a few more shots!" Li Ge was very annoyed.

If one blow fails, retreat immediately.

This is Li Ge's principle of assassination for many years.

But now it was the first time for him, and he regretted why he didn't shoot more shots.

"Huh? That figure looks a bit like Li Ge..."

"Where is where..."


A few players looked around, but they didn't see any figure similar to Li Ge.


[Attention all 'Happy Children's Day' players, the vacuum period is over, please find a new hiding spot within 10 minutes of preparation time, I wish you good luck]

The vacuum period is over.

The third round of hunting is about to begin. It is worth mentioning that the points for hunting dolls have been increased to 1 points per doll.

And this round, the hidden points of all players are also exposed by the panel system, and the players can only go to find the next hidden point.

However, some thoughtful players were already searching for the doll's body during the hunting time of the second round, and they were also looking for the next safe hiding place.

Gu Qi led several people to a new safe room.

This time, Su Tingyu was not too surprised by Gu Qi's professional talent, and even vaguely guessed some of the functions of this professional talent.

After Li Ge's assassination failed, he hid in the building.

Gu Qi only took a few glances at the building, and he was able to confirm which floor and specific location Li Ge was on.

This professional talent of his may be similar to the ability of clairvoyance.

No wonder he was able to discover the hidden safe rooms and the switches of the secret rooms. In addition, when searching for doll bodies in various buildings, this can be called a hacking ability.

Just like in the previous second round, Su Tingyu and the others don't need to worry about hunters finding them.

There are probably very few players who have the same or similar abilities as Gu Qi.

It's impossible to be so unlucky, just meet one, right?

(End of this chapter)

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