Bug in survival game

Chapter 194 Children Chapter Happy 36

Chapter 194 Happy Children's Day 36
[The 404th round of hunting ends, and the 405th round of hunting begins]


[The 405th round of hunter players: 4401~4500 doll brooch numbers]


Su Tingyu waited and waited, and finally it was time for her third round of hunting.

So, full of anticipation, Su Tingyu went to meet in front of a candy store that he had agreed with the little girl during the second round.

"elder sister!"

The first time she saw Su Tingyu, the little girl Nuomi ran over with a face full of joy.

"Little Nuomi, my sister misses you so much~" Su Tingyu hugged the little girl, then let go, her smile was as soft and gentle as spring rain.

"I miss my sister too." The little girl responded with a slightly flushed face.

Su Tingyu took the little girl's little hand, and said softly, "Let's go, take my sister to those places."

"Okay, sister."

This round, Su Tingyu made up her mind not to score points. Anyway, she didn't meet a few doll bodies after the round, so it's more cost-effective to touch the corpse.

Touching the corpse is cool for a while, and touching the corpse is always cool.

Su Tingyu didn't want to stop touching the corpse at all.

What are points?

Are you happy touching a corpse?

Because of Su Tingyu's previous ideological work, this trip to find corpses was very smooth and enjoyable. A total of [-] corpses were touched, and [-] game items were obtained.

And it's not like bread and mineral water, it's a lot of money!

For the remaining 3 minutes, Su Tingyu bid farewell to the little girl, using the same rhetoric as the previous round.

After being separated from the lovely and caring children, Su Tingyu planned to wander around and try his luck.

Can find a doll body is one.

But Su Tingyu never expected that her mysterious luck would be nothing but a blockbuster.

She actually met a very familiar gray wolf doll body!
And whose doll body this is, it's obvious.


In a secluded garden.

Su Tingyu stared at the gray wolf doll on the ground with a smile on his face, and greeted warmly: "Hello~ What a coincidence~ We are really destined~"

Li Ge's face was numb.

My heart has already started to curse.

Why is he so unlucky? !

First, he was forced to escape by jumping off a building, and then his identity was revealed instead of being assassinated. Most players even knew what kind of animal model the doll was.

Moreover, after two rounds, he couldn't find where the female player's doll body was hidden!

Now what the hell... I met a female player who is a hunter player again! !
Without further ado, the gray wolf doll wanted to run away immediately.

But Su Tingyu, who had been guarding against him all the time, summoned the little residual flower one step faster, and blocked all the escape routes in front and back of the gray wolf doll with rattan.

Su Tingyu took out his sickle, still smiling, and approached the gray wolf doll step by step.

Li Ge anxiously thought of all kinds of escape methods, such as game props, decorative props, halo functions...all of them were used.

But this time, there won't be a chick to help him draw fire.

Su Tingyu didn't talk nonsense, and directly swung his sickle.


When the knife went down, there was a sound of collision between metals, and the gray wolf doll was unscathed.

Su Tingyu was slightly taken aback, and then remembered Li Ge's ability to harden his whole body.

So, put away the sickle.

Before the gray wolf doll had time to rejoice, two hands suddenly dropped, grabbing the torso and head of the gray wolf doll respectively.

Su Tingyu smiled slightly at the gray wolf doll, and then exerted force on his hands.


In the horrified eyes of the gray wolf doll, he was split in two.

 I didn't save the manuscript, really, trust me! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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