Bug in survival game

Chapter 195 Children Chapter Happy 37

Chapter 195 Happy Children's Day 37
But it's not over yet!

It's just divided into two, and the degree of destruction is not enough for 85%.

So, Su Tingyu continued to tear!
Empty the stuffing inside the doll, and tear the wolf doll's leather case into rags.

Five horses torn corpses!Shredded to pieces!
It can be said to be extremely dry, cruel and beautiful!
[Player 'Angel Su' destroys a doll body, points +50, +3750]

[Player 'Devil Hunter' doll's body damage is higher than 85%, and the body will recover after five seconds. This round of dungeon clearance failed]

Su Tingyu's eyes lit up a few degrees in an instant!
Li Ge was originally No.10 in the hunting list at the end of the second round. He went hunting again in the third round, and his points soared to 3750.

Just 1 minute ago, Li Ge was the No.5 player on the hunting list, and he had enough points to make most players envy and hate.

But now, all of Li Ge's points belonged to Su Tingyu.

Su Tingyu's original 650 points, plus the points he got from Li Ge, he now has 4450 points, and instantly rushed to No.1 on the hunting list!
Wuhu~Take off~
"Wow! It feels so good to get rich overnight!" Su Tingyu couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise, and then sighed.

Thank you so much Li Ge Da Leek.

Therefore, in order to express her deep gratitude, Su Tingyu squatted on the corpse, waiting for the main body to appear.

Five seconds is up.

Li Ge's body appeared.

His face was extremely livid, and his eyes gushed out fury like a raging sea.

Li Ge, who was burning with anger, did not say a harsh word, but turned his head and wanted to run away immediately!
In fact, if not for his rationality, Li Ge really wanted to fight Su Tingyu desperately at this time!

Su Tingyu snorted softly, and didn't even need to give orders, the little residual flowers who had learned the lesson from last time had long been staring at Li Ge's every move.

The seven small residual flowers changed into their original form together, with the huge body as the support point, the vines stretched and interlaced with each other, forming a green sealed "cage", trapping Li Ge inside.

At this time, the seven little residual flowers had a tacit understanding:

This time, this sad two-legged beast must not be allowed to escape again!
Otherwise, if mistakes are made again and again, they will be the ones who are sadly reminded! !
Losing the chance to escape, Li Ge stopped in his tracks instead.

He turned his head to look back at Su Tingyu, with hostility and anger in his eyes, and said with a gloomy face: "Angel Su, you'd better not let me know who you are."

When Su Tingyu tore up Li Ge's doll body, he was already within two meters of him, and the latter inquired about his nickname in the game.

Now that everyone knows Su Tingyu's game nickname, Li Ge's last sentence is obviously referring to Su Tingyu's real identity.

Su Tingyu's eyes sank slightly, and while he was on guard against Li Ge's dying counterattack, he swung his scythe at Li Ge's neck.

But to Su Tingyu's surprise, Li Ge didn't take any evasive actions until the last second, waiting for death calmly and calmly.

It wasn't until Su Tingyu saw Li Ge's head fall to the ground that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Tingyu has been preventing Li Ge from violating the rules regardless of the rules before his death and attacking her as a hunter player.

Before that, Su Tingyu had never encountered a prey player who lost his mind or was dominated by anger, and he wanted to kill her.

If Li Ge would really violate the rules, then the danger of this person would be greatly reduced.

But now...it seems a bit troublesome.

Su Tingyu picked up the three game items dropped by Li Ge, and then put the little residual flowers into the inventory.

[The 405th round of hunting ends, and the 406th round of hunting begins]


[The 406th round of hunter players: 4501~4600 doll brooch numbers]

(End of this chapter)

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