Bug in survival game

Chapter 205 Children Chapter Happy 47

Chapter 205 Happy Children's Day 47
Gu Qi moved his legs, turned his head and said to Qi Bubai: "The points and heads that are delivered to the door, let everyone share."

"Yes." Qi Bubai agreed, and then made a gesture.

Therefore, the members of Xing took away the doll bodies carried by these players. One doll body was destroyed by one person. Each person only destroyed one doll body.

After all the dolls are destroyed, these players will be killed, and the game items that explode will be picked up by the remaining members who have not received points.

In the end, considering that all these people had left, only the little man was left trembling on the ground alone.

After making sure that Gu Qi and the others had left completely, the little man got up from the ground and staggered into the playground.


Innocence Center large playground, broadcasting room.

The door of the broadcasting room was tightly closed, and there were hundreds of players standing guard outside.

In the radio room, there were three male players standing on both sides of the door.

A little further inside, the short man was lowering his head, reporting to the only man sitting in front of him what just happened in front of the gate of the playground.

The man closed his eyes, as if he was asleep, and there were two male players standing beside him.

"He really said that?" After listening to the little man's embellished report, the man who closed his eyes slowly opened his eyes.

"These are all Gu Qi's original words, that man is too arrogant and domineering! He has no one in his eyes! And the lives of dozens of brothers are lost just like that, he Gu Qi is completely against you, Lord Xiao!!" The short man With resentment on his face, when he said the last sentence, there was a bit of gunpowder to start a war.

The man stood up, moved his lower arm, and asked in a flat tone: "It's rare to see, but it's strange, remember when he didn't fight against me?"

"Uh... this..." The little man was at a loss for words for a while, but he remembered his destroyed doll body, and asked with some anxiety: "Master Xiao, I... my doll body was destroyed, what should I do now?" ?”

"What should I do? Suicide."

The man's tone was casual, as if he was chatting about today's weather.

"Ah... ah?!" The short man's expression froze for a moment, his legs softened immediately, and he fell to the ground, "No, Master Xiao, you are joking... Please stop joking..."

The man turned around and looked down at the short man. A nasty smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and his tone slowed down, like the whisper of a devil: "Believe it or not, once the vacuum period is over, you will go out, Torn apart by hundreds of kid NPCs, sewn into dolls, then shredded again..."

"No... Impossible... No..." The short man felt his scalp go numb just listening, and shook his head in fear.

"Throw him out." Seeing the embarrassed and timid appearance of the short man, a trace of disgust flashed in the man's eyes, and his tone returned to his calm: "Remember to throw it away."

"Yes." Two male players standing at the door came out, one on each side, and dragged the short man out of the broadcasting room.

"Master Xiao! Master Xiao! Help me! Help me! You must have a solution, right?! You must have it!!!" The short man roared, struggling with all his hands and feet, but it was of no avail.

Eventually, the little man's voice faded into the broadcast room.

After the extra waste was thrown out, the man asked about the business: "Take care of the three new players around you, have you checked the information?"

Among the two male players standing next to the man, one of the players wearing glasses spoke slowly:
"Among the three players, there is a player named Qin Qi, who is the first batch of lv6 players. As early as two months ago, I met him in a round of dungeons. He is very powerful and his main weapon is a An ancient bronze sword, suspected to be a professional player."

(End of this chapter)

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