Bug in survival game

Chapter 206 Children Chapter Happy 48

Chapter 206 Happy Children's Day 48
"Two months ago, he became a professional player?" The man's eyes gradually became serious: "Has he ever joined a league or team before?"

The subordinate wearing glasses said: "Looks like a solo player, only occasionally has in-game transactions with the second in command of the 'Raging Waves' alliance."

The man said in a deep voice: "After this round of dungeons is over, find out the identity of this person in reality as soon as possible."

"Patriarch, are you trying to win over this Qin Qi?" the subordinate asked.

"Otherwise? A powerful professional player must never be taken care of." The man took out a cigarette from the inventory, and saw that he shook it a few times, and the cigarette ignited spontaneously: "The other two Where are the players?"

"The other two are called Angel Su and Zounanchuangbei. They are not well-known. They may be new players. It is not clear about the strength and level of the two of them."

"Well, then focus on that Qin Qi." The man looked at the cigarette burning between his fingers, but he didn't put it in his mouth to inhale, "Is there any information about the token so far in this round of dungeons?"

"Not yet, and there are no rumors from other alliances."



The site that Xing occupies in the playground is a video game mall. After arriving, the ordinary members of Xing left and returned to their corresponding positions.

"Master, it's already the eighth day of the dungeon, and we still haven't found any clues about the token." Qi Bubai bowed slightly, his tone a little ashamed.

According to the practice of previous event dungeons, tokens should have appeared long ago.

But now it's the eighth day of the dungeon, and it's really weird that the tokens of this round of event dungeons haven't been revealed yet.

Gu Qi: "We can't find it, and neither can anyone else. There are still two days left, so everyone below should pay attention."

"I have already explained to them in advance, by the way, Lord, you are a little late this time, what happened?" Qi Bubai asked.

"It's okay, some garbage that is beyond our control, it's all resolved."

"Then, please rest for a while, and call me again if you need something."


What the two said did not guard against Su Tingyu and the other three, so the latter heard them all.

Qin Qi also mentioned the keepsake before, but Su Tingyu and Fatty were not completely ignorant.

After Qi Bubai left, Su Tingyu asked aloud: "Gu Jiu, are those people from other alliances before? Xing wiped out dozens of them all at once, and that alliance will come to find a place, right?"

When Su Tingyu asked this question, he frowned slightly when he thought of that difficult opponent: "Those people are just peripheral members of the 'Deceitful Killing' alliance. To put it simply, they are just cannon fodder." The implication is, It's just that the probability of being found a place is very low.

"The person in charge of the cunning murder is Xiao Si, the person in charge of the Xiao family in the capital city in reality. This person is moody, insidious, and will do anything to achieve his goals..." Gu Qi rarely said a lot of bad things about Xiao Si.

The more Su Tingyu listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

... There is a sentence that I don't know if I should say it or not, why do I feel that Gu Jiu is complaining about himself?
"Xiao Si has a habit. Peripheral members who want to formally enter Guisha must complete a task he randomly sends out. The difficulty is variable. If they can complete it, they can become official members."

Uh... Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes.

So, the reason why those people stopped the person in power at the door just now was because of a task that Xiao Si casually mentioned?
Such a joke? !
And also...

Su Tingyu glanced at Gu Jiuye, who was indifferent and exuded the contempt of the king...

hiss!No matter how you look at it, it looks like a task of giving away a head from a thousand miles away, and sending warmth from a dungeon! !

(End of this chapter)

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