Bug in survival game

Chapter 207 Children Chapter Happy 49

Chapter 207 Happy Children's Day 49
"...In short, be careful, Xiao Si may have noticed you and became interested in you." After talking a lot, Gu changed the subject and told the three of them.

Su Tingyu: Hmm? ? ?
Why did you suddenly mention yourself?
"We are troubled by you." Qin Qi, who had been silent all the way, suddenly said, looking directly at Gu Qi.

Because of this sentence, Su Tingyu and Fatty felt inexplicably that the originally friendly atmosphere suddenly froze.

Gu Qi was still expressionless, with a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes, making it difficult to figure out what he was thinking at this moment.


A few seconds later, Gu Qi confessed directly, without any devious explanation.

"And then?" Gu Qi asked back, spread his hands, shrugged his shoulders, and said in a frivolous tone: "Do you need me to apologize? Kid."

Qin Qi's face suddenly darkened, obviously dissatisfied with Gu Qi calling him a child.

"Ahem... Let me interrupt." Su Tingyu bit the bullet and interrupted the delicate atmosphere between the two.

There's no way, it's just her and Fatty here, and Fatty is so scared that he doesn't dare to say anything now.

The burden of persuading the fight rested on Su Tingyu.

As soon as Su Tingyu spoke, both of them turned to look at her at the same time.

"That... that Xiao Si!" Su Tingyu looked directly at the two of them, and paused for two seconds, his face naturally remembered what he wanted to say, so he spoke smoothly: "Xiao Si, he is the Xiao family in the capital. The person in power is different from Li Ge, maybe it is easier for him to find out the real information about us in reality."

"Gu Jiu, you are also a big boss in the top circle of the elite in Kyoto, can you prevent Xiao Si from finding out our identities? Anyway, we are also temporary members of Xing now, and we have broken through most of the dungeons together~"

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, and said a lot in a good voice, most of which were actually explained for Qin Qi.

Although Qin Qi asked that question just now, Su Tingyu couldn't react, and thought that Qin Qi simply couldn't help but want to be jealous.

Only Su Tingyu and Fatty knew about Qin Qi's real situation.

If Xiao Si finds out Qin Qi's real identity and investigates further, maybe he will discover Qin Qi's current physical condition.

A lv6 player in the game has powerful abilities, but in reality he is like a useless person, unable to take care of himself completely.

What would a shrewd and insidious superior like Xiao Si think of in the first place?
Su Tingyu didn't want to guess the worst answer.

She would not let that kind of thing happen to Qin Qi either.

"You also said that I'm just a temporary member. I have a solution, but why bother to provide security for three temporary members who will leave at any time?" Gu Qi sat on a gaming chair with an indifferent expression.

It seemed that in an instant, the ruthless Gu Jiuye came back again.

The previous nagging and approachability were all just illusory illusions, like flowers in a mirror and moon in water.

"After this round of dungeons is over, I will leave naturally, and I don't need your charity." Qin Qi's eyes were slightly cold, and after saying these words, he turned his head and left the game hall.

The fat man looked left and right, feeling a bit embarrassed, should he go out with Brother Qin, but the boss and the boss are still here.

"Okay, let's join." Su Tingyu waited for Qin Qi to leave before opening his mouth.

Gu Qi: "Two people?"

"Three." Without waiting for Gu Qi to ask again, Su Tingyu explained: "I can make the decision, and I hope Gu Jiuye can do what he says."

"Naturally." Gu Qi still replied calmly.

But no one could see that under the sunglasses, Gu's pair of lavender eyes were radiant and turbulent at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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