Bug in survival game

Chapter 306 Angel Apartment 44

Chapter 306 Angel Apartment 44
Dahui looked left and right, and picked the ghost thing whose face could clearly see the facial features.

Just when it was about to move its mouth, Su Tingyu suddenly remembered something, and immediately stopped him: "Wait a minute! You eat that faceless monster."

Dahui: "...Then master, what do you want me to choose?"

"Ahem..." Su Tingyu rubbed his little nose: "I just remembered, it has no face, what if the residents can't recognize him?"

Big Hui: ...it can't even refute it.

There was no other way, Dahui had no choice but to suppress his disgust, closed his eyes, and swallowed the faceless monster with tears in his eyes.

After the big ash was swallowed, Su Tingyu put the big ash and another ghost into the stone tablet.

Get it!

Just wait for tonight!

Time flies.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the players also returned to their rooms one after another.

The second floor.

Su Tingyu knocked on the door of Room 202.

After waiting for a few seconds, the door opened, and a fat man's round face was revealed inside. As always, he greeted with a smile: "Boss, Brother Qin."

After Su Tingyu and the other two entered, the fat man closed the door neatly.

In the living room, Su Tingyu saw Gu Qi and Shan Yu.

"Huh? You two..." Su Tingyu looked back and forth between the two with puzzled eyes.

"Hello~Susu~" Shan Yu was sitting on the single sofa, looking at Su Tingyu with a smile on his face and a charming demeanor.

Opposite Shan Yu, sitting in the middle of the couch, Gu Qi looked down expressionlessly, taking off the white gloves one by one, putting them on again, and taking them off again...

"You took the benefits and left the person you wanted to protect to me?" Gu Qi turned his head and stared at Su Tingyu with cold eyes.


Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, and discussed: "Then, give you a third? For the rest, Qiqi and I, two-thirds, isn't too much?"

On the side, the fat man silently counted the number of people.

... Well, he's not a big shot himself, so it doesn't count.

"I don't need it." Qin Qi said softly, thought for a while, and then explained: "Take it as paying back your debt."

Su Tingyu chuckled: "Okay~"

"What account?" Gu Qi heard the key words and asked with frowned.

Qin Qi glanced at Gu Qi, and replied quietly: "This is my business."


Su Tingyu secretly said something wrong, and secretly pulled Qin Qi's hand.

However, Gu Qi didn't show any sign of trouble, but said: "The one-third should also be regarded as repaying him."

"That's fine." Su Tingyu grabbed Qin Qi's hand and agreed without hesitation.

Since knowing that Gu Qi and Qin Qi used to know each other, Su Tingyu's hostility and guard against Gu Qi have been relieved a lot.

In reality, Gu Qi's various cares for Qin Qi, as well as occasional expressions of emotion, are all real and cannot be deceived.

However, Qin Qi doesn't seem to remember what happened between them, and is still very resistant to Gu Qi.

In all fairness, Su Tingyu hoped that the two could get along better.

However, I can't live up to my expectations.

Qin Qi is still brooding over the matter of the last dungeon.

Unlike her, who can make Qiqi turn her head and forget to be angry...

"I don't need him to pay..." Qin Qi whispered beside Su Tingyu.

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, and slightly hooked his lips: "Didn't you say that he is your brother? Then he will help you pay it back, it's only right and proper."

Qin Qi's expression was slightly startled, and after he realized it, he remembered that in reality, when he was still unconscious, he was foolish and fooled by Gu Qi...

Qin Qi bit her lips lightly, with a gloomy expression on her face: "He...he is not..." My brother.

……elder brother……

...Remember to give the red panda...

Such a passage inexplicably appeared in Qin Qi's mind, and his eyes opened slightly.

But in an instant, it fell silent again, and Qin Qi didn't have time to recall it.

From Su Tingyu's point of view, Qin Qi was in a daze again.

(End of this chapter)

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