Bug in survival game

Chapter 307 Angel Apartment 45

Chapter 307 Angel Apartment 45
Shan Yu stayed on the sidelines to observe the situation, witnessing the communication between Su Tingyu and the others, his eyes flickered slightly.


Susu seems to have the best relationship with the one named Qin Qi.

And the person surnamed Gu was cold, but in front of Susu and Qin Qi, he seemed to restrain himself a bit.


Shan Yu felt that he seemed to be a bit misjudged.

I thought Susu and the others were just a pure cooperative relationship, but now it seems...

More like friends?or……

When those two words flashed through Shan Yu's mind, his eyes turned slightly cold.

She quietly raised her hand to cover her heart.

Tsk... it's good to fix the defect.

How come she still feels terrible when she thinks about those things.


"Then let's talk about our respective gains first."

In order to ease the atmosphere, Su Tingyu began to change the subject, first talking about how she and Qin Qi had unlocked progress [-], and some new guesses about the Angel Apartment.

After Su heard Yu finished speaking, he went to Gu Qi.

"So, you guys unlocked progress one?" Su Tingyu said "Wow", his eyes were bright, he looked left at Gu Qi, right at Shan Yu, and his eyes gradually became strange.

"What's more, the two players who were eliminated this morning were done by the host on the fifth floor. I feel that the host is no longer human." Shan Yu lightly covered her heart with her right hand. Looking back, I still feel a little shocked.

Hearing this, Su Tingyu shook his head: "It should be... In the Angel's apartment, there is no one alive except the players."

During the day, most of the people the player sees are not alive.

In the copy of the horror attribute, you can't expect too much that the NPCs are all normal people.

Finally, it was Fatty's turn.

"After twelve noon today, I went to Room 101 with two other players who live on the fourth floor."

"But the body of the player who accompanied the NPC to play the game was not found inside, and in the room on the fifth floor, there was no trace... It seemed to have disappeared out of thin air."

As the fat man spoke, he tried to gesture with his hands.

"Then how did you get into Room 101?" Su Tingyu asked with a frown.

Yesterday, if there was no player who played games with the gamer, the rest of the players might not be able to enter room 101.

Fatty: "The gamer guy has been playing games in the living room today. The door was open. After we went in, he ignored us."

This is... a bit weird.

The doubt now is that the player who played the game with the game boy was eliminated, but he couldn't even find a corpse.

This situation only happened to the two players who walked out of the apartment at the beginning...

and many more!

"How did the host on the fifth floor deal with those two players? Be more specific." Su Tingyu asked eagerly.

Gu Qi: "Swallow people up."

Su Tingyu understood a little.

In Room 101, the reason why there is no body is probably the gamer...

"In addition, the couple in room 303 were dismembered yesterday, the drunk in room 205, and the couple in room 206 were arguing... These were all encountered by other players again. It's similar to yesterday's situation. It's like a replay of the scene."

Fatty's experience today was not as thrilling as the other four, but he stayed beside the other players without any sense of presence, and secretly collected a lot of information.

After a few people chatted for a while, Gu Qi looked down at the time on his watch and said softly, "It's ten o'clock."

"That fat man, let's go to Gu Qi's room first." Su Tingyu stood up from the chair and looked at the fat man: "Do you still remember what I said last night?"

The fat man nodded: "I remember everything."

Among the five, only Fatty didn't unlock the exclusive mission. For safety, he continued to stay in the room.

As for the other four, they will complete their exclusive missions after dark and when the midnight bell rings.

(End of this chapter)

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