Bug in survival game

Chapter 308 Angel Apartment 46

Chapter 308 Angel Apartment 46
The four of them went to room 202 next door, which was Gu Qi's room, and planned to stay here until the midnight bell rang before starting to act.

The exclusive tasks of the four of them all involved finding someone.

However, there are differences.

Su Tingyu and Qin Qi are looking for the disabled youth, according to the clues they get and the content of the exclusive mission, they can narrow down the scope of the search in the entire apartment, focusing on all the stairs.

As for the couple that Gu Qi and Shan Yu were looking for, they didn't have any definite information to narrow down the scope of their search.

It stands to reason that the couple in room 401 were killed in the room, and the undead that appeared after death should appear at the place of death.

If it is in the house, it should be easy to meet, and there is no exclusive task.

According to this logical reasoning, the result was the first one, and room 401 at the murder scene was excluded.



The crisp bell sounded again.

Twelve midnight, come.

In an instant, some unspeakable changes took place in the entire Angel Apartment.

"Then let's take a step first." Su Tingyu waved his paw towards Gu Qi and Shan Yu, and then left Room 202 with Qin Qi.

Su Tingyu and the two had a clear direction to look for, and when midnight came, they went out without hesitation.

When the people left, Shan Yu asked, "Hey, where are we going to find it?"

Gu Qi glanced at her, took out the porcelain bottle containing the thief Xu Da from the inventory, and released the latter.

Because at midnight, Xu Da's appearance completely changed, with extensive burn marks on his body, and under insufficient light, he felt like a big black charcoal.

Shan Yu looked slightly surprised: "He...he is..."

"After twelve o'clock in the daytime, he can return to his state before death, and after twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, he will reveal his state after death." Gu Qi explained blankly: "He was burned alive .”

"Huh? Burned alive?"

Gu Qi didn't open his mouth to explain again, the silk thread binding Xu Da was still there, the former's fingertips moved slightly, the silk thread on Xu Da's body suddenly tightened, and penetrated deep into the scorched skin and bones.

Immediately afterwards, the silk thread flickered with lightning, and Xu Da's whole body began to shake a little bit. Gradually, the scorched face whose facial features could no longer be seen clearly showed a more obvious look of pain.

"Ahhh!!" Xu Da couldn't help crying out in pain.

The wailing was so loud that it faintly spread outside the door.

At this time, outside the door of Room 202, there was a thin and short figure who was just about to reach out to knock on the door, but was stunned by the wailing from inside, and froze in place for a while.

When it finally plucked up the courage, it wanted to knock on the door viciously, scaring the adults inside—


"Woo... woo..." After a while, it withdrew its paws, covered its face, turned around and ran away, and there seemed to be a trace of grievance in its back.

And this time.

In room 202.

"Tell me, where are the bodies of the couple you killed?" Gu Qi's eyes were shining with purple light, and his voice was cold and clear, without any warmth.

"They...they are..." Xu Da's expression has become trance: "they... one is hidden by me in the electrical room on the fifth floor, and the other is hidden by me in the electrical room on the first floor."

(End of this chapter)

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