Bug in survival game

Chapter 327 Angel Apartment 65

Chapter 327 Angel Apartment 65
Wen Ruojun's soliloquy was interrupted, he turned his head slowly, stared at the door outside for a few seconds, and then got up to open the door.

When Wen Ruojun opened the door, outside the door, a short girl smiled innocently and waved her small hand to say hello: "Hello, I'm here to find the landlord Wen Ruojun."

Wen Ruojun looked slightly stagnant, and then replied calmly: "I am Wen Ruojun, what do you want?"

Hearing this, the girl tilted her head suspiciously: "Don't make such jokes, Wen Ruohan, I really came to find your brother Wen Ruojun."

Suddenly, Wen Ruojun's calm face seemed to be cracked, his voice gradually became hoarse and low, and he repeated again: "I am Wen Ruojun, what's the matter with you?"

"Hey, you're lying, I want to see Wen Ruojun, not Wen Ruohan, you can't replace him!" The girl put her hands on her hips, looking fearless.

Can't replace him...can't replace him...the veins on Wen Ruojun's forehead popped up, and a shadow of blood flashed in his eyes: "Wen Ruojun is a fart! Go to hell!!"

"Wen Ruojun" suddenly stretched out a big hand, like a hook-like sharp claw, when it was about to scratch the girl's neck——

As a result, the girl bowed her head and shrank, squatting down by the way, and dodged it.

At the same time, like a magic trick in the girl's hand, a continuously extending stick appeared, and when "Wen Ruojun" didn't react at all, it hit his abdomen with a solid blow, knocking him out of the air into the house.

Seeing this, Qin Qi and Gu Qi, who were hiding behind the fake potted plants next to the corridor, approached the door of Room 505 in a few steps.

Qin Qi first glanced at Su Tingyu who had stood up from the ground, and saw that the latter looked excited and was still alive and kicking, so he knew that nothing had happened to her, what really happened was...

The door of Room 505 opened, and Gu Qi stepped in first.

inside the house.

"Wen Ruojun" slowly got up from the ground, and when he looked up, he saw Su Tingyu and the three of them all coming in.

"It doesn't seem to have anything wrong...is the skin so thick?" Su Tingyu murmured to the two of them while carrying the meteor stick.

"You all came here to look for Wen Ruojun?" It stretched out its hand and rubbed the abdomen hit by Su Tingyu, and asked in a low tone.

Su Tingyu said directly: "Nonsense~"

"That's right, we are entrusted by Yu Xiao's cutie, to visit the landlord Wen Ruojun, who is...Wen Ruohan, it's none of your business here." Su Tingyu made a gesture to drive people away. , as if she is the owner of Room 505.

"Yu Xiao?" Its face froze slightly, and in an instant, its expression became ferocious again: "...So, you are here to accompany him, right...it must be..."

The door behind the three of them was slammed shut!

Tick ​​tock... The hands of the wall clock on the wall seemed to be out of order all of a sudden, spinning rapidly, and the time displayed on the wall clock became six o'clock in the evening...eight o'clock...ten o'clock...eleven o'clock in the blink of an eye ...

The room, which was originally well-lit, became dim, and all kinds of stationary objects extended black shadows one after another at the bottom.

But at this time, only the painting in the room, the color of the burning fire on it was getting darker and redder, as if it had really been ignited.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

The hour hand on the wall clock stopped on the number "12", and ghostly bells rang out from all corners of Angel's apartment.

One after another, resounding in the hearts of all players.

(End of this chapter)

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