Bug in survival game

Chapter 328 Angel Apartment 66

Chapter 328 Angel Apartment 66
The face of the long-haired man guarding the stairs on the fourth and fifth floors changed drastically: "This is... Could it be that something went wrong with them?" He turned his head and looked up at the fifth floor, feeling extremely complicated.

Originally, the long-haired man wanted to go up secretly to see if he could get the rewards of the exclusive mission, but now, the long-haired man no longer cared about guarding the stairs, so he hurried downstairs and returned to his room.


first floor.

Shan Yu and Fatty, who were waiting for news from Su Tingyu and the three of them, also discovered this strange situation.

"Today's time flies faster than before..." The fat man scratched his head in a daze.

Shan Yu frowned: "Let's go back to our rooms first."

Midnight came suddenly, which was something that no player could have expected.

However, players who have survived until now understand one thing, go back to the room as soon as possible after dark.

It's not necessarily safe, but it's definitely safer than other places.



The two rushed to the stairs together.

Shan Yu's room is on the fourth floor, and there are several flights of stairs to climb.

While speeding up his pace, anxiously wanting to return to his room, he secretly prayed in his heart that nothing serious would happen...

When Shan Yu was about to go up the stairs, suddenly, he heard faint crying in his ears.

She paused.

The fat man walking halfway up the stairs noticed that Shan Yu didn't seem to be following, he turned his head and saw Shan Yu stopped below, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"You go first, I seem to have heard crying..." Shan Yu frowned, she replied to the fat man, and looked around, trying to confirm the direction of the crying.

"Ah?" The fat man was startled, and he ran down quickly: "Where is there crying? Where is there?"

Shan Yu glanced at Fatty strangely, he didn't understand that the cowardly Fatty ran away without the first time.

At this time, a timid girl's voice sounded from the bottom of the stairs.


Shan Yu's heart suddenly shrank!
For a moment, she felt a little short of breath.

"……elder sister."

Shan Yu took a deep breath, turned around, and saw a familiar little figure peeking out from the gap in the stairs.

"She, she..." Fatty's lips trembled.

Shan Yu's face relaxed a bit, she approached, squatted down, and asked softly: "Miya, why are you here?"

The person in front of me...or the undead is Mia.


When the fat man heard the little girl's name, he immediately realized who she was.

"Sister, it's so dark here, I... I'm a little scared..." Miya's face was pale, and she carefully leaned into Shan Yu's arms, her two little feet were still stepping on the cold floor.

Shan Yu raised her hand, gently stroked Miya's head, her eyes softened: "It's okay, my sister will take you home." She stood up and held Miya's little hand.

"Yes, yes, go home."

The fat man is also very warm and friendly, but Miya has been hiding beside Shan Yu, and seems a little afraid to approach the fat man.

"Thank you sister~" Mia thanked happily, her face seemed to be a little rosy, and she became a little more lively.

"Miya, shall I take you home?"

As soon as Shan Yu's words came out, Miya shook her head vigorously: "Sister...I...I want to go to your place..."

Hearing this, a dark light flashed in Shan Yu's eyes: "Huh? Miya doesn't want to go home?"

"...Yes, yes." Miya's shoulders gradually trembled, and her pupils were full of fear, as if there was some danger in the remaining journey home.

(End of this chapter)

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