Bug in survival game

Chapter 338 The sickle is mutating

Chapter 338 The sickle is mutating

[The main task is completed, the dungeon has been cleared, and the rewards are being settled]

[Get experience value*300, game currency*500, lottery chance*2]

[Props Obtained: Angel Apartment (Integrated)]

[Freedom of customs clearance: 92%, experience value*184, game currency*92, lottery chance*1]

[Customs clearance contribution: 80%, gain experience value*160, game currency*80, lucky draw chance*1]

[Dungeon exploration degree: 90%, gain experience value*450, game currency*180, lottery chance*1]

[Unlock exclusive hidden tasks: 3, complete exclusive hidden tasks: 3, get game currency * 600]

[Unlock the hidden world view: 1, crack the hidden world view: 1, gain experience points * 4444, game coins * 4444, destiny code fragments * 1]

【Settlement completed】

Su Tingyu returned to the purple different space, and took a look at the rewards for the settlement. If the rewards for cracking the world view were not added, it was obvious that the rewards for the first three rounds of dungeons were less.

However, too many experience points are required to upgrade to lv6, and with the experience points obtained in this round of dungeons, plus the existing experience points before, Su Tingyu's level is still at lv5.

And Su Tingyu's biggest gain this time is the Angel Apartment itself and a bunch of undead residents inside.

Su Tingyu didn't feel too bad either.

Still barely acceptable.

When Su Tingyu was about to leave the settlement space, he saw a red dot for new news in the friend system, so he clicked in.

It was the news from Qi Bubai.

Looking at the time, it was posted after she entered the dungeon.

[Miss Su, some of the upgrade materials you need have been assembled]
[I sent it to you, please pay attention to receive]
[In addition, there is a game currency, which is so far, from the entrusted game item transaction]
Su Tingyu clicked in and took a look——

20.2w game coins.

Su Tingyu looked at the transaction records that Qi Bubai sent together. This amount of game currency and upgrade materials was traded with 80 rare-grade and 120 diamond-grade game items.

And when she saw the materials sent by Qi Bubai, her eyes lit up immediately.

Mutation and upgrade are different concepts, but the end result is the same. In order to avoid trouble, Su Tingyu also deliberately said that the mutation material needed for the sickle is an upgrade material.

And what Qi Bubai sent over was just the leftover materials needed for the sickle to mutate!

Su Tingyu confirmed again, there was nothing wrong!
Everything is complete!

My scythe is really about to rise now! !
Su Tingyu's expression instantly became excited!
"Then let's mutate now!" Su Tingyu geared up, clicked into the mutation interface of the sickle, and put all the mutated materials into it.

['Sickle's mutation material: Maintenance Iron Essential Oil*20, Abyss Meteorite Iron*20, Yellow Spring Water*15, Mandala Essence*10, Nether Hellfire Remnant Fire*5, whether to mutate]

The mutation process is the same as the ordinary upgrade. After confirming that it is correct, Su Tingyu clicks [Yes]

In the mutation interface, all materials began to fuse into the sickle.

The process of mutation was relatively slow, and the sickle continuously emitted brilliant rainbow-like light, and in the seven-color light, Su Tingyu also vaguely saw that the shape of the sickle gradually changed.

Below the mutation interface, there is a progress bar, and the mutation progress displayed at this time has only reached 10%.

Su Tingyu didn't expect that mutation would take more time.

The mutation has already started, once it is forcibly stopped, all the mutant materials will become waste.

There was no other way, Su Tingyu had no choice but to shrink the mutant interface into a window, first sent a message to Qin Qi and Fatty, and then went to browse the forum.

(End of this chapter)

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