Bug in survival game

Chapter 339 Death Blade

Chapter 339 Death Blade

When Su Tingyu switched to the main interface, the big poster in the middle urgently inserted a game announcement:
【 Attention all beta players! 】

[The copy of the Angel Apartment was irreversibly destroyed by unknown factors, and the unique scene of the copy was lost. This copy will be permanently closed and will no longer be open to players! 】

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, um...it's just a dungeon crash, isn't this normal?

Anyway, it's none of her business, Su Tingyu!

Su Tingyu went to browse the forum, and the popularity of the copy of the last event gradually went down.

Although there are still players discussing the top ten children's day hunting list, but it is much less than before.

What's more, it started to discuss the copy of the Dragon Boat Festival event on June 6th.

Su Tingyu looked at it casually for a while, but found no useful information, so he came back again.

"By the way, cracking the world view seems to have sent something..." Su Tingyu pulled down the game items in the inventory, and found that there was an extra 'Fate Code Fragment', which was missed just now because he was only focusing on calculating experience points.

Su Tingyu poked this thing, and a prompt popped up:

[The function of the Fate Code Fragment is unknown, please actively explore it]

Su Tingyu found out that there is so much nonsense in this game.

If this little fairy knew what this thing was, would she still need to poke it?
"It's in the other category. It's not a prop? It's not a material?" Su Tingyu frowned and muttered, "Forget it, as long as it's not a bomb, it's fine to put it in the corner... I'll ask after I go out Qi Qi, see if he recognizes you."

Su Tingyu looked at the progress of the mutation in the small window and found that it had reached 95%, so he switched back to the mutation interface.

The next second when the progress bar was full, the entire interface emitted colorful light, completely covering the sickle in the middle.

Su Tingyu raised his hand to cover his eyes, revealing only a little between his fingers.

When the colorful light gradually dissipated, another dark light filled the mutation interface, and at this time, the sickle that successfully mutated slowly appeared in front of Su Tingyu.

The sickle...ah no, it should be the death blade.

The mutated Grim Reaper Blade is exactly 2.2 meters long from the top of the scimitar to the pyramid at the end of the handle.

[Item: Death Blade (bindable)]

[grade: blue mysterious]

[Function: The other side of the Yellow Springs Road opens, and the night comes to the god of death. This is a blade of death from the abyss of hell. It can harvest souls, summon undead and control undead. It can be immune to soul and spirit attacks and use various abilities during the day. Weaken by 30% (contractable)]

[Durability: 100%]

[Remarks: Don't make trouble, the god of death is coming, be careful to cut you~]

"Why is there only blue mysterious grade?" Su Tingyu frowned.

Although the blue mysterious level is also very nice, it is obviously a lot worse than the golden legend.

"I know the binding, but what is this contract?" Su Tingyu poked in curiously.

[This item can be contracted with a spirit of a specific attribute, so as to strengthen the various attributes of the item, and there is a certain probability that it can be upgraded]

"Qi Ling? What is this?" Su Tingyu became more and more confused.

She went to the forum to search for the keyword "Qi Ling", but found nothing.

Su Tingyu thought about it: "It seems that ordinary players of this Qiling have no contact with it, otherwise, there would be no news about it."

(End of this chapter)

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