Bug in survival game

Chapter 351 2 Miles Under the Sea 6

Chapter 351 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 6
In front of the Mermaid Palace.

The five players looked at each other.

Su Tingyu sighed in his heart, finally meeting someone of the same species as himself.

However, there are 30 players in this round of dungeons, and now Su Tingyu has only met 4 of them. Similarly, other players are also wearing various game items to deal with deep sea diving.

Su Tingyu suddenly thought, if the players start directly in the sea, but some people don't have the game items for diving, then it won't be... There are already unlucky players who start off with their braids?

"My lords, please." The mermaid made a "please come in" gesture towards the entrance of the hall.

Su Tingyu's imagination was interrupted, and he entered the palace with other players.

This time, Su Tingyu was a little smarter, and deliberately stayed away from other players, preventing them from having a chance to check his game nickname.

And Su Tingyu's appearance is very deceptive, with a pair of big wet eyes looking left and right, as if very insecure, immediately let other players take off most of their guard.

After all, the players who can enter the professional dungeon are not only strong players, but also weak players who are lucky enough to pick up a token.

"Masters Brave, please wait here for a while. After a while, Her Majesty the Queen will come to meet you all in person." The mermaid guard led the players to a side hall, explained briefly, and then withdrew.

Then, a group of elegant female mermaids held jade plates in their hands and placed them on the table.

The leading female mermaid bowed slightly towards the players: "Honorable brave men, this is a special delicacy of our mermaid kingdom, please enjoy it to your heart's content, brave men."

"Okay, thank you for the hospitality." A player responded.

After the group of female mermaids retreated, Su Tingyu turned his head to glance at the delicacies brought by the mermaids. There were seaweed and kelp, and some small deep-sea fish that could not be named. There is a bone knife poked on it, which is fixed on the jade plate.

It's all raw food... that's right, where can there be fire in the sea?

None of the players who had just entered the dungeon had a desire for food. Moreover, some players wore a hood that looked like a diving suit, and the entire head was tightly wrapped.

The few remaining players were here, and the atmosphere was awkward and speechless.

But after a while, the awkward atmosphere was broken.

Because, a new player was brought by the mermaid guard.

Gradually, 25 players gathered in the side hall.

After waiting for a long time, no new players were finally brought in. Su Tingyu secretly speculated in his heart that the other five players must be in bad luck.

"My lords, I've been waiting for a long time. Your Majesty is here to invite you." After a while, Su Tingyu quietly changed the third water-proof bead and the first underwater breathing bead, and the mermaid guard appeared again. This time, there was no Instead of bringing a new player figure, an order was conveyed.

In this way, the players were taken to a hall. On the steps directly in front, on a throne carved from colorful ice crystals, a female mermaid with a white gauze sat upright, wearing a graceful and luxurious crown, holding a scepter , The whole body is not angry and prestige.

On the right side under the steps, there is an old male mermaid floating, looking at the players with a smile.

And on the water-blue ice crystal floor tiles in the center of the hall, eight mature and exquisite mermaids, both male and female, were waiting on both sides, looking at the players curiously.

"Thank you for coming to the mermaid kingdom, it is an honor for the mermaid kingdom."

(End of this chapter)

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