Bug in survival game

Chapter 352 2 Miles Under the Sea 7

Chapter 352 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 7
On the throne, the majestic yet friendly voice of the Mermaid Queen came.

"Your Majesty, the Mermaid Kingdom has spent so much time looking for us, presumably it has encountered some problem, and we need to come forward to solve it?" Some players spoke nonsense seriously based on the only information they had.

Hearing this, Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes.

Indeed, the mermaid's reaction was very strange. Before coming, Su Tingyu knew from the mouths of the two crabs that the mermaid was very resistant to outsiders.

But now, they are very enthusiastic about letting these so-called brave men enter the mermaid kingdom, either blindly worshiping them, or asking for something.

The mermaid queen glanced at the older mermaid at the bottom of the steps: "Elder, come and tell the brave men about the situation."

"Obey." The elder mermaid first bowed in the direction of the mermaid queen, then turned to look at the players.

"It's like this..."

At the beginning of the establishment of the mermaid kingdom, the first mermaid queen had the honor to see the supreme sea god with her own eyes, and was also given a set of protective magic circles, as well as a colorful conch to activate and maintain the magic circles.

The colored conch is called the purification conch. It can not only purify the surrounding water, but also purify the darkness in the heart of the soul.

The mermaids sheltered by the purification conch began to establish a harmonious and peaceful mermaid kingdom.

The mask on the outside of the mermaid kingdom is just the protective cover condensed by the purification conch, which removes the impurities in the seawater outside to achieve the effect of purification, and then flows into the mermaid kingdom. In addition, the protective cover can also recognize the breath of the mermaid , under normal circumstances, non-mermaid creatures cannot enter.

But just 200 years ago, a naughty mermaid princess stole the purification conch and brought it out of the mermaid kingdom. After the mermaids captured the mermaid back, they found that the most important orb on the purification conch was missing.

The purification effect of the purification conch that lost the orb is also weakening day by day. It is estimated that there are still ten years before the protective cover will completely disappear.

"Before the merman didn't purify the conch, they were still swimming in the ocean. Even if the protective cover disappeared one day, it shouldn't have much impact, right?" Some players wondered.

"Hey, brave man, you don't know. Over the past few hundred years, the human races on those land islands have rapidly developed industry and technology, and a large amount of sewage and garbage are discharged into the ocean. The human race with the ocean as a restricted area can go to the sky and enter the sea, wantonly hunting and killing marine life..."

The elder mermaid said with a sad face, and at this time, the mermaids on both sides also showed anger on their faces, as if they hated the human race deeply.

Seeing this, all the players became more and more embarrassed as they listened.

Ah this...

Although they are not the indigenous humans in this round of dungeons, in their real world, incidents of ocean pollution and wanton killing of animals will be exposed every now and then.

"Of course, these have nothing to do with the brave men." The elder mermaid noticed something wrong with the faces of the players, and quickly explained: "According to the information handed down from the ancient murals, for the sake of convenience, the brave men like to take the form of the human race." Come into the world."

A player took the steps handed over by the Great Elder Mermaid, and proceeded to speak, with righteous indignation on his face: "Ahem... indeed, if it wasn't for this reason, I wouldn't want to become like a human race."

Su Tingyu poked secretly in the corner, observing the changes in expressions of everyone and the mermaid.

(End of this chapter)

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