Bug in survival game

Chapter 353 2 Miles Under the Sea 8

Chapter 353 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 8
What made Su Tingyu most curious was, of course, the mermaid queen who was sitting on the throne, silent now, with a deep and introverted expression, watching the discussions of the people and visitors below indifferently, as if she was watching a play.

Hmm... Su Tingyu tilted his head.

It can only be said that she deserves to be the mermaid queen?Don't have an expression?

After the episode, the elder mermaid continued to tell the story behind.

During the 200 years when the orb was lost, the mermaid kingdom also sent people to search for the orb many times, but unfortunately, they found nothing.

With the aggravation of ocean pollution, if the mermaids are too far away from the mermaid kingdom, their bodies will be gradually polluted, causing various diseases and even sudden death.

But now, no mermaid is willing to stay outside for a long time. Sending mermaid guards out to find players this time is just an exception.

"So, you want to ask us to help retrieve the orb?"

The elder mermaid nodded: "Yes."

"I implore the brave adults to take action and save the mermaid kingdom." The other mermaids also begged in unison.

Whether it was to refresh the main mission or to better explore the dungeon, all the players present agreed to the request of the mermaids.

[Main task: Find the heart of the brave (to be refreshed)]

After agreeing, the panel of the players refreshed the main task of the next stage at the same time.

Brave heart?
Su Tingyu put a question mark in his mind.

And, didn't they agree to the mermaid's request to find the lost orb?Why is it refreshed on the panel, but what is the heart of the brave?
"Elder Elder, take all the brave men to the Sea God Temple, and I will leave the rest of the matter to you." At this time, the mermaid queen stood up, said a few words to the elder mermaid, and nodded to the players. Slowly left the palace.

After the queen left, the eight mermaids on both sides also left.

At the scene, only the elder mermaid remained, and he explained kindly with a smile: "My lords, Your Majesty and the eight tribal leaders are busy with their daily affairs, so I took time out of their busy schedules to come here, please come here, Mrs. Don't be offended."

"Of course not."


The players don't want to cause trouble, so naturally they won't show their faces because of such a trivial matter.

"My lords, please come with me."

The players followed the mermaid elder, turned left and right in the palace, and after a while, they came to a hall guarded by mermaid guards.

The elder mermaid took out a key made of the bones of an unknown species, inserted it into the door lock, and opened it. The mermaid guards on both sides pushed open the hall door together.

"Braves, please come in." The elder mermaid did not step into the hall in a hurry, but turned sideways and made a "please" gesture.

Seeing this, the players stepped into the hall first.

After Su Tingyu came in, like other players, he looked around the environment in the hall.

This hall is smaller than the hall where I met the Mermaid Queen just now, and on the four walls of the hall, there are various imagery-style portraits carved, and in the most central open space, stands a majestic and handsome statue. , like a statue of a god descending from the earth with a human body and a fishtail holding a trident.

"He is our great sea god." After the elder mermaid entered, he looked at the statue with reverence in his eyes, and even knelt down in front of the statue and kowtowed reverently.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu's eyes fell on the statue of Sea God.

(End of this chapter)

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