Bug in survival game

Chapter 354 2 Miles Under the Sea 9

Chapter 354 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 9
Human body with a fishtail, with horns like dragon horns on his forehead, wild and unruly long hair like seaweed hanging behind him, strong and plump muscles, every arc reveals an unparalleled sense of power, and his right hand holds a symbol of identity. The Seagod Trident is mighty and domineering.

And behind the Sea God, there is a huge dragon wrapped around it. Its eyes are rebellious, but in front of the Sea God, it lowers its posture, faintly respecting the Sea God.

After the elder mermaid knelt down and worshiped, he stood up. He pointed to the mural and explained the content depicted on it.

Sea God, the great god in charge of the ocean, is also the ancestor of all creatures in the ocean, and is worshiped and believed by all creatures in the ocean.

Whenever there is a great crisis, the sea god will send a brave man to the world to save all living beings in the sea.

For the brave who came to the world, this is a training to find the heart of the brave.

In the end, only the brave with a brave heart can completely resolve the crisis and save all living beings in the sea...

Listening to the narration of the Great Elder Mermaid, Su Tingyu became more and more curious about what the heart of the brave actually represented.

But this kind of self-exposure is not a question of the brave, and it cannot be asked directly.

Su Tingyu could only observe the murals, hoping to find a clue.

The elder mermaid was explaining the meaning of each mural figure. When his finger pointed to a large circle composed of eight balls of different colors, he smiled: "This, all brave men I can guess it..."

Confused players: Thanks, no...

"The above depicts the eight outstanding qualities that represent the heart of a brave man—bravery, wisdom, justice, integrity, friendliness, humility, compassion, and unyielding." The elder mermaid stretched out his hand, pointing to the quality he represented every time he mentioned a quality. balls of different colors.

A trace of surprise flashed in Su Tingyu's eyes, and he looked at the eight balls carefully.

Brave [red]

Wisdom 【Purple】

Fair [yellow]

Integrity [green]

friendly 【pink】

Humble 【Orange】

Mercy [blue]

Unyielding 【gold】

Perhaps the players' gazes stayed on it for too long, and the Great Elder Mermaid asked: "Masters of the Brave... is there any problem?"

"It turns out that they represent the heart of the brave. No wonder, they look a little familiar, haha..." the keen player immediately said in a disguised manner.

And this sound also successfully recalled the lingering eyes of other players.

Although many of the players do not know each other, they are now in the mermaid country, wearing the tiger skin of a brave man. If one person is a little careless and his identity is seen through, it is likely to implicate everyone.

As for the eight qualities of the heart of a brave man, theoretically, a real brave man should be aware of this, and they will definitely not be too surprised by it.

"Masters of the brave, you should all hold a conch token. When the conch emits light of the corresponding color, it means that you have been recognized for an excellent quality. When it emits a colored light, it means that you have the heart of a brave man. .” The elder mermaid pointed to a conch token hanging on a player’s waist, and stroked his beard with his hands:
"When everyone finds the orb, I have to trouble the brave man with a brave heart to blow the conch token and bestow blessings on the mermaid kingdom."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Why did the elder mermaid be certain that someone would get the heart of a brave man in the process of searching for the orb?
Although, Su Tingyu feels that as long as she is there, the heart of the brave is properly handled.

Listening to the tone of the elder mermaid, before this, there were brave men. Is it possible that every time, there are brave men who can get the heart of the brave?
(End of this chapter)

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