Bug in survival game

Chapter 362 2 Miles Under the Sea 17

Chapter 362 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 17
Su Tingyu tilted his head in doubt, and then, silently, took out a "chopstick" from the inventory.

The big shark's eyes fell on the "chopsticks", he was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "It's still such a sensible little snack, is this going to be used as a toothpick for my uncle to pick my teeth?"

Smiling and laughing, the big shark glanced out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly saw the toothpick in Xiaodianxin's hand suddenly become longer and thicker...

One meter, two meters, three meters, four meters...

The big shark's eyes widened, and just as he opened his mouth to say something, the toothpick that became elongated suddenly gave a heavy blow to his abdomen!

The undigested residual food in the big shark's stomach was spat out. Even in the water, its huge body was blown back several meters.

The big shark fell on the coral reef and smashed the corner of the coral reef.

"Wow! Damn it!!" After regaining his senses, the big shark was furious.

Small snacks...

"I caught you~" At this moment, the big shark felt his tail being pinched, and a clear and cheerful voice sounded from behind.

Immediately afterwards, the big shark was horrified to find——

He turned!

The scream of the big shark was heard next to his ears, but Su Tingyu, who was holding the shark's tail and circling the fish, turned a deaf ear to it.

After turning almost, Su Tingyu let go of his claws, and the haloed big shark flew straight out and fell to the ground.

Su Tingyu picked up the ten-meter stick, and started to swing the stick a few meters away from the big shark!Fat beat the shark head!
"Aww...I want to eat you!"

"Aww... I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"Aww... Auntie, please spare me!!"



two hours later.

Su Tingyu rode a big scarred shark to the Purple Coral Forest.

"Wow~" Su Tingyu gnawed on a piece of bread, and suddenly his hunger disappeared, and he recovered his strength.

Su Tingyu bent down and patted the big shark's head: "How long will it take to reach the Purple Coral Forest?"

"Grandma, it's almost time~" Big Shark replied immediately, with a flattering tone.

Su Tingyu frowned, pouted his mouth slightly: "Da (shark) stupid, you said the same thing half an hour ago."

"This time it's real! It'll be here soon!" Big Shark assured.

"Then trust you again~"

"Good, good!" The big shark secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to speed up desperately.

As for Su Tingyu, who was on the shark's back, he lay down right now, with a relaxed and enjoyable expression on his face.

In the past two hours, Su Tingyu spent a lot of effort and tongue, and was finally "moved" by the big shark to send her to the purple coral forest.

So, it became the present situation.

From the mouth of the big shark, Su Tingyu also gradually learned some information about the purple coral forest.

In the purple coral forest, not all the corals in it are purple, but once the blood of animals is stained on the corals, the corals will suck the blood within a few seconds, and then the appearance will turn purple.

The name of purple coral comes from this.

And the word "forest" is added at the end because the coral there grows extremely vigorously, and the average height of the coral is four to five meters. Once you enter it, it's like breaking into a terrestrial forest.

In addition, in addition to the ordinary purple coral, there are also various poisonous ivy and different trees in it. When talking about it, the big shark also bluntly said that he would not dare to go in. Even if Su Tingyu beat him to death, he would not be able to accompany Su Tingyu went in.

(End of this chapter)

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