Bug in survival game

Chapter 363 2 Miles Under the Sea 18

Chapter 363 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 18
There was no other way, Su Tingyu had no choice but to kill him... Ah bah, he waited until he reached the outskirts of the Purple Coral Forest, and let the poor big shark go.

After another half an hour, Su Tingyu glanced forward boredly, and suddenly, his expression paused.

Within sight, rows of coral colors gradually appeared.

As the distance continues to shorten, the height of the corals in the distance seems to be constantly rising.

"It's here..." The big shark shouted excitedly, panting.

Hurry up and let this non-human monster go!
Su Tingyu naturally wouldn't know the big shark's prayer, but he could also sense the former's eagerness to get away.

Su Tingyu swam down from the shark's back, and patted the big shark's head by the way: "Silly, thank you, I will definitely repay you if I have the chance~"

With a flattering smile on the face of the big shark, he quickly shook his head: "No, no, no, no! I'm so happy to serve my aunt!"

"...cough cough, that little one is leaving now!"

"There will be no date!!"

With a whoosh, the big shark ran away, afraid that Su Tingyu would suddenly change his mind and drag him into the purple coral forest to bury Yusheng.

"Ah?" Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, looked at the back of the big shark full of reluctance, and sighed: "It's a pity, I haven't asked where Dasha's family lives yet, so I will drop by when I have time." coming."

Su Tingyu turned his head, glanced at the dead purple coral forest in front of him, and swam in curiously.

On a big tree in full swing, strings of vines are hanging upside down on each branch. There are red-hot flowers blooming on the vines, and the innermost stamens are exuding a sweet aroma.

Occasionally, some small fish are so fascinated by the fragrance that they can't find their way, and plunge into the flower, and the blooming petals close instantly at this time!
After a while, a slight chewing sound came from inside, and when the bud opened again, there was no small fish inside.

On the top of the big tree, among the luxuriant branches and leaves, there are bright red fruits that are about to drip. Looking from a distance, they look like a flickering flame.

"Huh? This is really a tree~" In the distance, Su Tingyu, who just came in, saw this very growing and very conspicuous fire tree at first sight.

Su Tingyu held a nearly two-meter-long meteor stick in his hand, and casually fell to the sand at his feet——

A black tentacle just emerged from the sand, trying to wrap itself around Su Tingyu's ankle without a sound.


One end of the meteor stick just hit that tentacle, and the exposed part of the tentacle was suddenly tense with pain, like a black thread that was pulled straight in an instant.

Su Tingyu walked forward, and picked up the meteor stick that had just landed.


The black tentacles quickly burrowed back into the sand, never to be exposed again.


After Su Tingyu approached for a certain distance, he heard a cry for help from the fire tree.

Su Tingyu looked intently——

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. On the next day, he cried and cried, and even stuttered, "I, I, I... I'm not good... It's delicious..."

On Huoshu's main torso, an old face appeared, and he laughed wantonly: "The rare and precious dragon meat, Laoshu, I am lucky today haha!"

"And I..." At this moment, Huo Shu's dead vines moved, and he also spoke, "You can't swallow this little dragon cub by yourself."

Huo Shu said: "Don't worry, my old partner will definitely have your share."

(End of this chapter)

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