Bug in survival game

Chapter 364 2 Miles Under the Sea 19

Chapter 364 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 19
"Hey, what's going on?"

Just when the tree demon and the vine monster were discussing how to allocate this special prey, a clear and sweet voice of doubt suddenly sounded in front of them.

The tree demon, the vine monster, and the tied boy with dragon horns looked over at the same time.

There was hope in the eyes of the Longjiao boy.

Yes, yes... Has a fish come to save him? !

But when he saw Su Tingyu, his eyes froze for a moment.

A little girl with a short stature, a cute and harmless appearance, and even a very cute and delicate girl?

Just... that's it?
Most of the fire of hope in the eyes of the Longjiao boy dissipated.

At this time, the tree demon and the rattan breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They thought that the dragon clan had discovered it, and a large wave of savage dragons broke in.

In the end, she was just a weak little girl.

"This is... a human brat?"

"There are no characteristics of other races...how can there be humans here?"

However, regarding Su Tingyu's identity, the tree demon and the vine monster were a little confused.

This is the deep sea!Under the sea!
This human bastard... and he wasn't wearing that kind of diving suit, how could he appear here?

"Don't worry about it! Brother Teng, it's just an appetizer delivered to your door. Why don't you use this human cub to fill your stomach first before eating the dragon cub?" the tree demon suggested.

The vine monster readily accepted: "Yes."

Su Tingyu, who was suddenly included in the recipe again:? ? ?
Depressed, Su Tingyu tapped the ground hard with the meteor stick.

On the ground, just a little bit of black tentacles were tentatively exposed, and they were hit by a series of critical attacks all at once!

So, quietly drilled back into the ground again...

"Yo~ you still play stick?"


Both the tree demon and the vine monster laughed, not paying attention to Su Tingyu at all.

But actually...

The roots of the tree demon stretched out, covering all the ground around Su Tingyu.

The vine monster's inconspicuous vines also extended out at the same time, floating in the water like a group of snakes dancing around, firmly blocking the way Su Tingyu came.

The bound Longjiao boy saw the situation, the hope in his eyes was completely extinguished, and he looked anxious: "You, you... why are you standing there stupidly? You still... still don't run away!"

"Dragon cub, shut up, or... I will swallow you right now!" The tree demon threatened the boy with long horns, and the boy stuttered as soon as he opened his mouth. The sound alone was really annoying to the tree.

Frightened by the tree demon, the boy with long horn hiccupped, aggrieved: "Don't, don't, don't...don't eat me... Woooo... I won't come here anymore!"

Father...save the child!
I will never run away from home again! !

I will never talk back to you again! !

Only the father is good in the world...

(﹏ )Ohh Ohh ohh……

The Longjiao boy was already crying for his father, as if he believed that he could not survive, and unconsciously reflected on Longsheng.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Su Tingyu glanced at the boy with long horns who was crying so hard, and sighed slightly.

Sure enough~
This fairy is kind-hearted, and she can't see children crying.

Su Tingyu put away the meteor stick, and took out the death blade that had just mutated and upgraded successfully.

Although the tree demon and the vine monster are not undead monsters, but to deal with flowers and plants, for the death blade, it is enough to have a blade!

The Death God Blade that Su Tingyu took out was still an ordinary scythe on the outside, which was also a layer of obscenely developed camouflage effect of the Death God Blade.

(End of this chapter)

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