Bug in survival game

Chapter 365 2 Miles Under the Sea 20

Chapter 365 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 20
When the tree demon and the vine monster saw the sickle in Su Tingyu's hand, they immediately laughed out loud:

"Hahaha... this human bastard is also a brain problem, right?"

"That's right, do you really think that we are ordinary flowers and plants, and you want to cut us off with a broken sickle?"

"Do you believe it?" The Dryad asked with a smile.

The vine monster replied without hesitation: "I don't believe it, do you?"

"Of course I don't believe it hahaha..." The dryad continued to laugh.

Su Tingyu glanced at the faintly trembling death blade in his hand, and comforted him: "Don't be angry, let them see how powerful you are!"


The blade cut through the sea water in front of it, forming waves of water, rippling away!

The Death Blade, which was originally plain and unremarkable like a sickle, was surrounded by dark blood in an instant. Su Tingyu stretched out his hand, and a complete Death Blade with a length of more than two meters appeared, with a dark blood-colored mysterious luster throughout. There is a biting and chilling murderous intent.

Su Tingyu waved lightly, a flash of knife light flashed, and suddenly, all the vines dancing nearby were cut into pieces!

"Ahhh..." The vine monster screamed in pain. These are all part of his body. This kind of pain is equivalent to the severed limbs of human beings.

"Despicable human race!"

Seeing the true face and lethality of the Death Blade, the tree demon and the vine monster didn't understand anything. The human race in front of them was so cunning that they tricked the vine monster when they relaxed their vigilance.

Now, the tree demon and the vine monster no longer have the heart to laugh.

"Damn human race! I'm going to strangle you little by little! Use your flesh and blood to make up for my injured body!" The vine monster roared, waving more vines, trying to deal with Su in the same way it dealt with the dragon-horned boy. Listen to the fish.

First tie people up, hang them on a tree, then humiliate them severely, then shrink back a little bit, strangle this hateful human race to death, and finally become their nourishment...

The vine monster thought very well, and seemed to have seen the beautiful scene where this hateful human race would beg him for mercy.

But actually...

Su Tingyu just glanced at these vines, swung his knife neatly, cut them into pieces, and then drifted everywhere with the sea water.

After cutting the rattan, Su Tingyu didn't forget the tree demon tree roots lurking underground.

While the sand was rolling, the dryad manipulated its own tree roots, trying to break out from the ground and tie up this human cub.

There are vine monsters attracting attention from the front, and the dryad is still very sure in his heart.

After all, relying on this one-dark and one-light tactic, many prey who thought they had some strength and wanted to pick the dragon fruit were killed.

Su Tingyu adjusted the thrust direction of the belt, and within a few seconds, he swam up.

After getting away from the ground for a certain distance, Su Tingyu glanced down, looked at the turbulent dirt bags, held the death blade with one hand, and swung down several times!
In the afterimage of the sword, the ground seemed to be bombarded by shells, the dust was flying, and the sea was surging.

"Ahhh... my roots!!"

The tree demon who thought he was holding Zhizhu couldn't keep calm at this moment. His tree roots lurking in the ground were about to break out of the ground, but they ran into the sword energy of the god of death head-on.

Even across the ground, the powerful spirit and soul erosive power of the death blade can instantly kill all living cells in the roots of the tree, which is already unbearable for the dryad.

Su Tingyu ignored the tree demon's wailing, turned his head and glanced at the trunk of the tree demon rooted in the ground, and prepared to cut down the tree to remove its roots——

(End of this chapter)

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