Bug in survival game

Chapter 366 2 Miles Under the Sea 21

Chapter 366 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea 21
The boy with dragon horns who was hanging upside down from the tree opened his mouth wide in shock.

It's unbelievable that the tree demon and vine monster, which seemed to be invincible, fell into the hands of a human girl one after another, and it seems that there is nothing they can do about each other?

"This, this, this... this is the old, old, old... the powerful and insidious human race that the teacher said?" The dragon-horned boy muttered to himself, and suddenly, thinking that he might be saved, his eyes lit up and he spoke eagerly Call Su Tingyu: "Help, save...help me!"

Su Tingyu: Hmm?

There are people...

If it hadn't been for the boy with the dragon horn to make a sound, Su Tingyu almost couldn't hold back the knife, and even chopped down the dragon belt tree.

Su Tingyu slightly changed the direction of swinging the knife, and first cut off all the vines that tied the boy with dragon horns.

After losing the restraint, the Longjiao boy broke free with a look of surprise on his face, and then quickly freed from the main body of the tree demon.

"My prey!"

"Damn it..."

Su Tingyu turned her eyes and glanced at the screaming tree demon and vine monster, and clicked her tongue: "Eat it or die~" As she said, she switched the death blade from her right hand to her left hand, changed the direction of the blade, and charged towards it. Several knives were slashed out from under the dryad's trunk!

Accompanied by an incomparably desolate scream, the luxuriant tree fell crashingly, setting off waves of fierce seawater turbulence.

"Cough cough cough..." The Longjiao boy rolled several times on the ground. After standing up, he looked back at the dryad that had been completely cut off from the root of the trunk, and patted his violently beating little heart with lingering fear.

After the nearby sea level recovered a bit, Su Tingyu approached and stared at the dryad's face. At this time, he was maintaining the painful expression of the last breath.

"Yo, haven't you raised your braids yet?" Su Tingyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Su Tingyu glanced at the remaining vines nearby, none of them were relatively complete, and many of them were cut into pieces by a sickle.

Su Tingyu frowned slightly.

Wow, where did the main body of the vine monster go?
Su Tingyu looked left and right, not far behind her, a rattan pretending to be dead was stuck to the ground, quietly burrowed into the nearest coral pile, and disappeared in the blink of an eye...

"Let... let me go! I am willing to submit to you, powerful human race!" The tree demon no longer had the previous arrogance, begging for mercy in a low voice.

Hearing this, Su Tingyu's thoughts moved.

This tree demon... is it a spirit?
Can we make a contract?Be the spirit of the scythe?
"Dude, do you want to contract it?" Su Tingyu lowered his head and asked the wishes of the sickle in his hand: "Although it looks a little shabby, a little old, and a little useless...but it can be used in the purple coral forest." It’s been a long time in the inner area, so there should still be a couple of tricks.”

As soon as Su heard Yu finished speaking, the sickle in his hand trembled immediately, and there was a very strong sense of resistance.

"Eh..." Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, okay... the sickle guy is not happy, what else can he do?Go along!
"Since you don't like it, you should chop it off." Su Tingyu whispered to the sickle while slowly raising the sickle.

The leaves above the tree demon's head shook violently, trembling: "Don't...don't kill me!"

"Wait, wait...wait!!" The Longjiao boy suddenly roared, and hurried over.

Su Tingyu turned his head and looked at the boy with the dragon horns like a mentally handicapped boy: "What? You want to plead for it?"

"No, no, no..." The Longjiao boy immediately shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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