Bug in survival game

Chapter 373 2 Miles Under the Sea 28

Chapter 373 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 28
Knowing that Su Tingyu was going to all the overlords, Ao Pocang was nervous and wanted to retreat many times.

"You are the master of the deep sea!"

"You can't lose the face of the Dragon Clan!"

"Baby, baby of seven litters! Don't you want it?"


But under the tempting temptation of Su Tingyu again and again, Ao Pocang finally took the map and led Su Tingyu the way.

"Benefactor, are you sure you can do those overlords?"


"Benefactor, why don't we take a long-term plan?"


"Benefactor, I think..."


Su Tingyu answered patiently at first, but gradually became speechless.

Is this really a dragon?
Weak, cowardly and crying.

Maybe only good face and loving babies are the genes of dragons.

When approaching the territory of the second overlord, Ao Po Cang was still nagging:

"Benefactor, this overlord is a big strange fish that can breathe out foul-smelling black mist, and has rough skin and thick flesh. According to my teacher, he is more vicious than a shark. He is basically domineering in this area. Who is pleasing to the eye? Yes, just swallow it in one gulp!"

"Oh~" Su Tingyu responded casually: "Stop talking, help me find him out, or how to lure him out?"

"Benefactor, I heard from our teacher that this big monster fish is a one-eyed fish. In the early years, because of some grievances, his other eyeball was gouged out by a dragon of my clan, so I especially hate everything about dragons." ..."

"So that's how it is." Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, smiled, and suddenly shouted to the front: "There is a dragon here! There is a dragon! There is a dragon..."

Ao Po Cang was stunned, his mouth stuck.

No no no... no!What is this for?
Soon, Ao Pocang knew what Su Tingyu was doing.

Because of this voice, a black spot appeared in front of him, and he came here at an extremely fast speed.

"I, I, I... I'm the god of the sea! It's a big strange fish!" Ao Pocang was startled, and turned his head anxiously to find a place to hide.

Su Tingyu watched helplessly as Ao Pocang disregarded his noble dragon image, and got scared into a hole sunken in by the coral.

"Eh..." Su Tingyu was a little dumb.

"Where's the dragon! Where's the damn dragon!"

The big monster fish that rushed over roared. His body was still smaller than that of an adult shark, but his head was obviously fatter than his body, and his tail was twice as long as that of an ordinary shark.

Su Tingyu also saw it. The left eye of the big monster fish was blind, leaving only a claw mark on the eyelid.

"Uh... hello~" Su Tingyu tried to say hello.

The big monster fish glanced over, and when it saw Su Tingyu, it was as surprised as the tree demon.

A weak human cub?
The big monster fish looked at Su Tingyu suspiciously for a few times, and made sure that there were no traces of other biological forms on her body, so he opened his mouth fiercely and threatened: "Human brat, if you don't want me to eat you, just answer my question honestly, you Did you see the dragon?"

Su Tingyu nodded, paused, and shook his head again.

The big monster fish swayed from side to side irritably: "Is there any?"

Ao Po Cang who was hiding in the coral trembled: ...

"Let me think about it~ don't worry~" Su Tingyu waved her little paw, thinking hard on her face for a while, suddenly, she raised her head and looked behind the big monster fish, her expression was full of surprise: "Hey , Ao Po Cang, why are you back?!"

(End of this chapter)

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