Bug in survival game

Chapter 374 2 Miles Under the Sea 29

Chapter 374 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 29

The big monster hated the Dragon Clan, so it was clear that the Dragon Clan's surname was Ao.

He subconsciously turned his head to look.

The belt around Su Tingyu's waist exploded with a violent thrust, propelling her to fly towards the big monster fish!

With a vacant grasp of his right hand, the death blade summoned out!

Raise the knife!

cut down!

When he was about to cut down the big monster fish, he suddenly turned his head, and black mist spewed out from his mouth!
"Cunning human race! Want to plot against me? Naive—"

The big monster fish saw through Su Tingyu's little trick, and his flamboyant laughter came out of the black mist.

Su Tingyu wrinkled his nose, the black mist really smelled bad.

Waving the sickle in his hand, the momentum of the knife is driving the surrounding sea water and dispelling the black mist.

"Heh, it's not certain who is naive!" Su Tingyu felt regretful about not being able to succeed in the sneak attack, but he was not surprised.

Underwater, Su Tingyu's mobility was somewhat hindered after all, and it was not comparable to these creatures that stayed in the sea from birth.


"I thought you were a little ignorant..." Su Tingyu sighed, his eyes calm and composed, he suddenly looked in a certain direction of the black mist, and smiled, "I found you!"

"How is it possible?!" Before the big monster fish had time to fight back, Su Tingyu found the location, and the knife light slashed down. The surrounding sea was covered with black mist, and the big monster fish had nothing to hide.

Su Tingyu had a happy face: "Hmm~"

Playing dark tricks in front of the Death Blade?
Not on the table.


Ao Pocang, who was hiding in the coral, actually almost couldn't help sticking his head out when he heard Su Tingyu call his name.

Fortunately, the car stopped at the last second.

But soon, there was the sound of fighting outside, Ao Po Cang struggled for a while, until the sound of fighting seemed to subside, he tentatively stretched out his head.

But when he saw the scene outside, his eyes froze for a moment.

Big big... where is the big strange fish?
Why is the benefactor standing in front of a puddle of black mud?

"Cry Baolong, come out quickly." Su Tingyu glanced at Ao Pocang's head from the corner of his eye, and waved to the latter.

Ao Pocang climbed out cautiously, "Benefactor, where is that big strange fish?"

"Here, here it is." Su Tingyu pointed to the black mud that Ao Po Cang saw at first.

Ao Po Cang blinked, took a look, two, three...

"He he he... Da Da... You, you... Killed?!" Ao Po Cang's tongue curled up in shock.

Fortunately, Su Tingyu was able to understand what it meant this time: "Yes, I killed him, let's walk around, there is nothing good on him, let's go to his lair and have a look."

"Oh oh oh..." Ao Po Cang replied in a daze.

He glanced at it again, still a little unbelievable, the big strange fish with rough skin and thick flesh was chopped into meat sauce by Su Tingyu? !
Su Tingyu caught a small fish nearby and asked where the big monster fish lived, so he searched for it.

It’s a good treasure. As soon as Ao Pocang saw it, he immediately forgot the shadow of the big monster fish being chopped into meat sauce, and he was very excited.

But Su Tingyu did not find the orb in the lair of the big monster fish.

There is no other way but to find the next overlord.

This time, Ao Po Cang was very aggressive and led the way very proactively.

Within two days, Su Tingyu kicked over the territory of the eight overlords.

If he was extremely arrogant at the beginning, and threatened to eat Su Tingyu and Ao Pocang's overlord, they would all be chopped into meat sauce by the death blade.

(End of this chapter)

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