Bug in survival game

Chapter 375 2 Miles Under the Sea 30

Chapter 375 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 30
If it is a more tactful person who admits his mistake and kowtows when the situation is not good, he will just be beaten up by Su Tingyu, and then his property will be ransacked, and his life will be saved at least.

Of the original eight overlords of the Purple Coral Forest, only four were severely disabled.

Su Tingyu took away all the belongings of the overlords, spent another two days, checked repeatedly, and found a lot of jewels, but the conch didn't respond at all, obviously none of them were really the jewels he was looking for.

When Su Tingyu planned to go to the deeper central area of ​​the Purple Coral Forest, Ao Pocang strongly stopped him.

"Benefactor, the center of the Purple Coral Forest is not allowed. I heard from the teacher that it is very weird, and no creature has ever been able to enter it. Either it disappeared inexplicably, or it kept circling in circles."

"Are you sure no creature went in?" Su Tingyu asked back.

"This...ask the four overlords! They have been here all year round, so they must be clear!" Ao Pocang turned his head, and it was rare for him to be clever.

Ao Po Cang's proposal is not without reason.

Because it is also the first time for him to go out alone, the knowledge in his mind is only limited to the teacher's teaching when he was in the Dragon Clan, and he has not experienced it himself.

Su Tingyu went directly to one of the survivors of the original eight overlords—a purple-skinned octopus with a big mountain.

"...Grandma! Why are you here again?!" When the octopus with only three tentacles left saw Su Tingyu, he felt the wound on his body hurt more, especially the wound where the other five tentacles were missing.

The size of the purple-skinned octopus is twice as big as the one Su Tingyu saw in the trapped beast before. It feels like one is at the level of a father and the other is at the level of a son.

Among the eight overlords, the purple octopus ranks in the top three in terms of strength, and it is a living and overlord marine creature.

It's a pity that the purple-skinned octopus met Su Tingyu.

"Oh, I just came to ask about the situation in the central area of ​​the Purple Coral Forest." Su Tingyu explained his purpose.

The purple-skinned octopus breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked suspicious: "You want to enter the central area?"

This hateful human race is going to die in the central area?

The purple-skinned octopus's careful thinking became active, and it organized its words secretly, thinking of how to fool Su Tingyu into going in immediately.

"No, I'm just asking, has any other marine life entered in the past 200 years?"

Hearing this, a hint of regret flashed in the eyes of the purple-skinned octopus, and he said honestly:
"Probably not, the purple coral forest is a dangerous place, and few other creatures enter it.

Moreover, there is a mysterious force in the central area, which repells all creatures from entering, and some of them forcefully break into it, and even disappear in it. Over time, no creature has nothing to do to go to the central area. "

"Is that so..." Su Tingyu rolled his eyes, and after finishing asking, Su Tingyu left immediately.

Su Tingyu asked the other three overlords again, and the answers they got were almost the same.

After staying in the purple coral forest for four days, Ao Pocang reminded Su Tingyu that he was going to the Dragon Clan Crystal Palace.

There are still a few days left for the birthday banquet. Counting the journey time to the Dragon Palace, the birthday banquet will almost start when they arrive at the destination.

However, when he got close to the door, Ao Pocang suddenly remembered something. The Dragon Clan did not like to see the Human Clan very much. If Su Tingyu went directly to the Dragon Palace, he would definitely be attacked by all the dragons of the Dragon Clan.

Therefore, Su Tingyu needs to disguise himself as other marine creatures to attend the birthday banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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