Bug in survival game

Chapter 378 2 Miles Under the Sea 33

Chapter 378 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 33
After fighting for three days and three nights, none of the four overlords could defeat the other three, so they could only temporarily cease fighting.

"Don't fight, don't fight anymore, can't we all get a new territory?"

"Yes, yes, anyway, our treasures have been searched by that devil a lot, not to mention the other four dead guys..."

"I agree."



After the truce, the smell of gunpowder between the four overlords has decreased a lot, but they are still on guard against each other.

After all, they have been neighbors for hundreds or even thousands of years, and they are all old fritters, so they know only a lot about each other's dangers.

It was because Su Tingyu was there before that he could have a moment of harmony.

"Hey, tell me, how did this human race go down into the sea? And it seems that they are not afraid of not being able to breathe in the sea at all." During the break, the purple-skinned octopus found a topic and chatted.

Belly fish monster: "I'm also wondering about this. Could it be some kind of witchcraft?"

The electric eel was almost exhausted, there was no drop of current, and he didn't have the intention to pretend to be gloomy, and said in a rough voice: "Did you find out that the surface of that human race didn't touch the sea water at all, as if it was separated by some force?" , When she breathed, she didn't spit out bubbles..."


At the beginning, I might ignore all kinds of weird things about Su Tingyu, but I can almost see Su Tingyu these days. As the overlord of the Purple Coral Forest, no one is really a fool. Of course, I have discovered all these strange things .

It's just that due to the presence of Su Tingyu, the four overlords pretended not to see it.

Only the foolish Ao Po Cang didn't notice.

"That human demon is too thick-skinned. These days, we have been asking us to praise her."

"That's right, I don't even look at who I am!"

"By the way, she still has a conch shell hanging on her body. It feels a bit like a product of the Mermaid Kingdom."

"She's going to the Dragon Clan, right? She's also carrying a conch that looks like a mermaid kingdom..."

The four overlords simultaneously thought of the fact that the dragon clan hates mermaids, and at the same time, they laughed sinisterly.

"Did you really only find out now?" the belly fish monster asked.

"Of course." The purple-skinned octopus replied without thinking.

"Me too."

"Hey, me too."

The four old Yinbis burst into laughter for a moment, not worried about Su Tingyu at all.


Venado Islands, the main island of the ancient east, in a rented house somewhere in the imperial city.

Several players gathered together, very distressed.

"It's been a few days, but I still haven't found the shadow of the orb."

"The imperial city is too big, we have traveled almost all over it, but Conch didn't respond at all."

A player suddenly thought of a place: "No, there is a place that we haven't gone to yet."

"Which place...you mean, the palace?"

"That's right, it's the imperial palace. Humans here, especially the upper class, are very fond of jewelry and other wealth, and even have a collection. There must be a lot of jewelry in the imperial palace, and there may be conch orbs that people want to find."

"When are we going to act?"

"Just tonight, sneak in quietly. When the time comes, don't feel bad about the props and don't use them. There are only a few props, which are not comparable to professions."


That night, at three o'clock.

The stable and peaceful palace suddenly became heavily guarded, and teams of royal knights searched inside the palace.

"Hurry up... stop the ink!"

"Made, there is still some sorcerer guarding... Go out of the city and hide for a while!"


In a short while, many soldiers were added to the streets of the entire imperial city, and one by one, they knocked and kicked the door roughly, and when the door was opened, they entered the house to search without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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