Bug in survival game

Chapter 379 2 Miles Under the Sea 34

Chapter 379 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 34
After three days of traveling, Su Tingyu and Ao Pocang entered the sphere of influence of the Dragon Clan.

On the way, Su Tingyu kept talking about Ao Po Cang, and by the way, revealed that the latter was His Royal Highness of the Dragon Clan.

When Su Tingyu heard about it, he didn't believe it the first time.

Your Highness of the Dragon Clan, why are you so silly?

After entering the territory of the Dragon Clan, he encountered many investigations by the Dragon Clan guards. After Ao Po Cang revealed his identity, he was let in.

"Benefactor, I will see my father and teacher later, remember... Remember to praise me..." The closer to the Dragon Palace, Ao Po Cang's excitement at the beginning of setting off in the purple coral forest disappeared completely, and he felt very uneasy in his heart.

Su Tingyu rolled his eyes.

Along the way, Ao Po Cang repeated these words countless times.

"I know, I know, I must tell you the heroic deeds of how you outwitted the tree demon and punched the fish monster in the purple coral forest." Su Tingyu replied for the nth time.

"Ahem..." Ao Po Cang blushed slightly when he heard this, but he didn't refute.

Just... just bragging, it should be fine.

at this time.

Dragon Palace, somewhere in a side hall.

"Huh? The little guy is willing to come back..." After a masculine voice sounded, within two seconds, a beam of light flew out of the hall and rushed to the outside of the Dragon Palace.


"Benefactor, the Dragon Palace is ahead." Ao Pocang pointed at the incomparably magnificent splendid palace ahead, with a slightly proud expression.

Su Tingyu glanced away, and outside the Dragon Palace, fish shadows were already surging.

For the Dragon King's birthday banquet, the Dragon Clan hosted all kinds of marine life. Today's Dragon Palace is very lively.

"Shall we go directly to the gate?" Su Tingyu asked.

"No, benefactor, I'll take you to the path, the gate is too eye-catching." Ao Pocang patted the tail of Zhui Zhui Yu, and the latter slipped away immediately.

Su Tingyu: "Oh."

Just when one person and one dragon were about to leave, a frivolous voice suddenly sounded from above.

"Little guy, are you finally willing to come back?"

Su Tingyu focused his eyes, looked for the source of the sound, and turned his head to look.

A stream of light fell on the stone road not far ahead.

After the light dissipated, a figure appeared.

In appearance, he is no different from an ordinary human man, even suave and handsome, but he also has dragon horns on his forehead.

This is a dragon.

"Old old old... Teacher?!" Ao Pocang looked at the man who suddenly appeared in shock and fear, and subconsciously became upright in his standing posture, with a cute and honest look: "You, you... why are you here?"

Ao Feijue raised his eyebrows lightly: "Tsk, you came back swaggeringly, the guard posts along the road have already sent the news to me."

"Ah?" Ao Po Cang really didn't think about this, and his face was disturbed: "Father, Father... Father, King, he also knows?"

"That's not true, I suppressed the news..."

Hearing this, just when Ao Po Cang was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Ao Feijue continue to say:

"So, you still have time, think about your words carefully, how can you calm down the Dragon King?"

"Ah? Father, he... is he angry?!" Ao Pocang wanted to cry without tears, and even had the urge to turn his head and run away immediately.

"Nonsense, the son he always thought was the most well-behaved and sensible ran away from home, can you not get angry?" Ao Feijue reprimanded Ao Pocang, but in his tone, there was more gloating.

Ao Feijue turned his gaze, and landed on Su Tingyu who was watching the show: "By the way, this is the friend you met outside?"

(End of this chapter)

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