Bug in survival game

Chapter 391 2 Miles Under the Sea 46

Chapter 391 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 46
Ao Poyang and Naili have been to the territory of the human race. It is a medium-sized island in the Vinado Islands. The island is called Cray Island. They bought a private house on the island, and then often go out to experience the local customs.

However, 200 years later, although it may not be a big deal to the long-lived Dragon Clan, the human society has undergone tremendous changes, and Ao Poyang is not sure whether that house is still there.

After listening, Su Tingyu immediately decided on the next destination, which was Cray Island.

However, I am not familiar with the route, and the map given by the mermaid only gave the location of the Venado Islands, and did not record the route of each island in detail.

"Can you give me a road map to Cray Island?" Su Tingyu asked Ao Poyang directly.

Ao Poyang replied, "Of course it can, but it will take some time."

"Time is not a problem. Before we get the road map, we can only chatter about the Dragon Clan." Su Tingyu said.

"You're welcome. It's an honor for the Dragon Clan to stay temporarily, Your Excellency the Brave." Ao Po paused, and said, "Your Excellency, I want to ask you one thing."

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes: "You say."

Ao Poyang said carefully: "Your Excellency Brave, when you return to the Mermaid Kingdom, can you help me take a look at Nari's current situation?"

Su Tingyu always felt that something was wrong.

"If I can meet Princess Nari, I will." Su Tingyu readily agreed.

It wasn't too embarrassing in the first place, when she returned to the mermaid kingdom, Princess Nari's whereabouts must be found out.

Ao Poyang: "Thank you, Your Excellency Brave."

After completing his own task, Ao Poyang didn't stay any longer, and after saying goodbye, he left.


Su Tingyu stayed in the Dragon Clan for another two days, and a route map from Dragon Palace to Venado Islands was delivered to her.

With the map in hand, Su Tingyu is about to leave the Dragon Palace.

When Ao Pocang learned that Su Tingyu was leaving, he hurried over to find someone.

inside the residence.

Su Tingyu is replacing the water-repelling beads and underwater breathing beads that have been cooled, and checked the durability of the lower belt.

Ao Pocang hurried in, and the first time he saw Su Tingyu, he blurted out: "Benefactor, are you leaving the Dragon Palace? I, I, I... I want to go with you too!"

Hearing this, Su Tingyu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Will your father and your teacher agree?"

"Uh... this..." Ao Po Cang hesitated.

Obviously, Ao Po Cang was not sure that his father and teacher would agree to him leaving the Dragon Palace again.

But...but the benefactor is leaving.

Ao Pocang became dejected.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu comforted: "Okay, I'll come back to see you when I'm free after I've finished my work."

...that's weird.

Su Tingyu thinks that after the trip to Cray Island is over, she will go directly back to the mermaid kingdom.

If you complete the task, you will leave this round of dungeons.

There is no chance to see this crying dragon again.

"Okay, okay!" Ao Pocang didn't know what Su Tingyu was thinking, and the smile returned to his face, and he nodded repeatedly.

Ao Pocang sent Su Tingyu to the border of the Dragon Clan territory, and Ao Feijue also came to see him off.

But well...

Su Tingyu thinks that Ao Feijue came to see him off by chance, but no matter how you look at it, it seems that he is here to stare at Ao Pocang who has a criminal record.

"Huihui~I'm leaving~" Su Tingyu waved to Ao Pocang and the others coolly, and then swam away without looking back.


(End of this chapter)

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